Podcast 94-Spider-Panel Tackles Movie Reboot and More


In this episode the Crawl Space panel tackles the Spider-Man movie reboot. We also discuss why Zac Effron is a horrible choice to play the web-spinner. Another topic is examining how far is too far to take your love of Spidey. A man recently dressed up as Spidey at his wedding, is that going too far? There’s also discussion of the new Black Cat bust from Sideshow Collectibles, and we review Amazing Spider-Man # 617-619. We also examine if all the Activision Spider-Man games have sucked like their President claims. Plus in this month in Spider-History we look back at February 1996. A ton of Spider-Comics came out that month.

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In case you missed our other show for February here’s the link. In the show I interviewed Mrs. Crawlspace about being married to a spider-geek!

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  1. I know what Spencer feels like, I still try to swim to “Liberty Island” though I know it will never happen that I reach it
    Governor & Ellis islands are destinations I’d like to go to too

  2. Oh, he also likes the games that have a realistic New York as the backdrop. He likes pointing out the Empire State Building, the Flatiron (Daily Bugle) building, the Chrysler building, etc. But for some reason he’s always trying to swim to the Statue of Liberty. The original Movie game has a generic bunch of rooftops, if I recall.

  3. Enigma2099: Spencer liked the PS1 game, in fact, he beat it, and had to try out all of the costumes and the pulsating head Spidey. The original Movie game, where you can also be the Green Goblin, the Shocker, and various others, is the one he didn’t like because he loves to run along the streets, beating up bad guys, and jumping on moving cars and pounding on them. Although he didn’t mention it on the podcast, Ultimate Spider-Man is another one of his faves, particularly because he can be Venom and eat people.

    We never had a Sega Genesis, so we’re not familiar with any games exclusive to that system.

  4. @Enigma2099: You are wrong my man
    Spencer is right, about time someone else find Spider-Man 3 to be the awesome game it is

    Like hating the character of Spider-Man himself there are not really many good cons against this game or the movie it’s based on, only that it depends so much on reflexes and I don’t need to use reflexes much

  5. BD, I wholeheartedly DISAGREE with you and your panel about J.K Simmons returning for the reboot. Great actor, yes. Did he achieve Raimi’s vision of a JJJ characiture, absolutely. But I think it’s understood, or at least is my understanding reading about the film, is that this reboot will be attempting to go for a greater realism and play things a little closer to the vest. Rebooting the film, or “re-imagining” it as one of the producers said, leaves me to believe they are going this way. Personally I welcome a greater depth from these characters which I felt was lacking in Raimi’s films. That’s not to say I don’t want any smart ass quips from Spidey for example (much much more are welcome), or other humourous moments, just a greater sense of realism. I found those scenes with JJJ entertaining, but too cartoony in the overall context of the film. I really liked the films, but they SHOULD have been so much more. I am excited that the studio has decided to go in this direction because it means no more B movie stylings that Mr. Raimi is so fond of and the world from which he comes. It just seemed to me that re-creating the Lee/ditko sensibilities of the 60’s was all he was interested in achieving. Whereas examples like Nolan and Singer (first two X-films) were much more interested in going beyond the borders of the comic book. I think (or at least hope) this is the direction Marc Webb will take the franchise. I don’t think there would be room for cartoon JJJ in this type of film.

  6. I’m right there with Spideydude! I’m so glad Dunst is gone.
    I don’t have too much against Tobey, but his performance seemed to get worse as they kept throwing money at him.
    He was at his best in Spider-man 1 when he wasn’t a big star. Even the character’s confidence in costume was there. I definitely want to see more of that!! =)

  7. BTW… did you REALLY have to have a whole segment devoted to asking what kind of person buys those kinds of statues? You know what kind of person does. We also buy figurines of half naked anime characters… er, I mean, they do…

    … who am I kidding, I’m not buying a Black Cat statue no matter HOW big her ta-tas are… and I LIKE ta-tas! I hate her THAT much!!!

  8. Look, sit him on your knee, and tell him, in a gentle manner… Spence… you’re my son, and I love you, and Enigma2099’s a fan of yours now… but Spider-Man 3 was a BAD game. And Spider-Man for the PS1 basically paved the way for the rest of the 3D games.

    … then ask him has he ever played Spider-Man vs the Kingpin for the Genesis… or Sega CD.

  9. He enjoyed doing it.

    But, I thought it was the original Spider-Man movie game that he said he didn’t like as much as the others. Or was it that Spidey 3 was actually one of his favs?

  10. I can no longer be silent. I have a 11 year old cousin who doesn’t play videogames and every week he gets the new issue of ASM (I told him not to get 601-610) and some back issues from the local comic book store, and he loves it! He knows the info. and would rather spend money on comics then video games. And guess what he hates One More Day! Yep, he’s 11.

  11. Beam me up Scotty!

    JR I’d like to thank you for introducing me to Star Trek, I rented the ’09 movie and watched after listening to the podcast and I have begun to watch the Original Series on youtube.

  12. *I don’t know who’s good as “Peter Parker”, and I really don’t care as long as he’s “Peter Parker/Spider-Man” as much as “Christian Bale” is “Bruce Wayne/Batman”

    *I love most of the Spidey games, then again I’m too much of a diehard Spider-Man geek so this is a reason, I think Spider-Man 3 is great because it improved combat, made you really feel as Spider-Man, the Scorpion levels are awesome, Gangs are great, side missions are fantastic. Unfortunately I played the PC version of Spider-Man 2, not the Console version so I didn’t play the legendary game. “Rino Romano” is a greater Spider-Man voice than “Josh Keaton” is, so I’m really glad they used him as the voice in the PS1 Spider-Man games. I think that guy from “Web of Shadows” is OK as Spider-Man, not all that bad

    *I am a die hard Spider-Man geek, I love everything Spidey and easily can give it an ‘A’ even if I hate it for a while, but if you look at me I don’t seem to be someone interested in comics that much if you don’t catch me searching Spider-Man on the internet or search for a game in a shop, you won’t find me even wearing a small Spider-Man pin on my shirt, so how about dressing up as him in a wedding? That will make me look like an entire dork

    *”Black Cat” statue is really pathetic to own, I really love the “King of Fighter” game series, if I had to choose between a “Mary Jane Watson” statue based on “John Romita sr”, busty “Black Cat”, or “Mai Shiranui” I’d go with the last one cause she’s busty boobed and has a real lovely face, much much much lovelier than any of the other two girls

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