Podcast 93-Marrying A Spider-Geek: Mrs. Crawlspace Interview

It’s true that a comic fan can find a girl and get married. In this episode I interview my wife Wendi Douglas aka Mrs. Crawlspace. In the show we talk relationships on this Valentine’s Day episode. How you can incorporate your comic hobby into the life of your loved one. We also give tips on how not to have the girl run out of your pad once she sees the comics and toys everywhere.
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  1. I loved the podcast and I am the favorite mother in law of Mr. Crawlspace. That’s my girl Mrs Crawlspace.

  2. Man BD the Melting Pot sucks. You have to cook EVERYTHING. Not only that but its like a hundred bones. Thats alotta comics.

  3. as a future Spider-husband im really excited to listen to this and see what a current spider-wife does to deal with her husband’s obsession. lol

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