Lerman as Peter Parker?

More casting rumors for the Spider-Man reboot have surfaced. Logan Lerman’s name has been coming up for a little while now, but he addressed these rumors once and for all on “The Rachael Ray Show” earlier today. He said he’d love to be considered, but Rachel reminded him that his “Lightning Thief” commitments may put a stop to that. Check out more here or in my Examiner writeup. Do you think he could do a good Peter Parker?

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  1. @hermann22

    Hmmm, I suppose but according to page 35 of “Marvel Saga” here’s what Stan Lee says about Peter.

    “…I’ve heard it said that Peter Parker’s reason was that he was a nerd. Not True. Sure, some people thought he was anti-social or fixated on test tubes and formulas to the exclusion of real life — but let’s examine the evidence.
    Peter was smart, certainly smarter than Flash. He was “Good-looking.” Even Super popular Liz Allen said so….”

    So in conclusion, Peter was a “looker” but he definitely didn’t carry himself like one. You still lead an average life but still be attractive.

    But just to stay on topic, Lerman does look a bit too young/underdeveloped even if he’s actually 18 in real life. Finding out his true age just boggled my mind. Then again, when I was his age, I dated 18 year old guys who were practically beefcakes.

  2. by movie logic, you always cast someone a little older then the chacter they’re playing….and this dude looks all of fourteen.

  3. I just watched “The Lightning Thief” this evening and while I wasn’t blown away by it I still found it quite enjoyable.
    I had some reservations about Logan being a possible Peter/Spidey at first but I have to say that they guy kinda grew on me.
    If the new movies storyline is anything like the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon than I think I could easily place him in the role.

    The Percy Jackson movie even featured him flying across the New York skyline during the climatic fight.
    It really helped me envision him as a possible Spidey.

  4. I don’t believe there are any young actors around who can pull the part off. Which is the main reason why I’m against the reboot. It seems like Sony is trying to gain a quick buck by hiring a younger, cheaper cast, on top of cashing in on the twilight high school drama craze.

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