Vulture Confirmed: John Malkovitch Approached to Play him in Spider-Man 4

Despite word that Spidey 4 is being pushed back due to script difficulties, two things have apparently been confirmed: The Vulture is the big name antagonist for the movie, and the person playing him is John Malkovitch.

What do you think? Is he the right actor? Is Lizard being shoved off again?

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  1. I believe in the 1 villain per film, as for the vulture I don’t care for him. Spider Man 1 and 2 awesome, 3 terrible. It would be fairly easy for Vulture to carry the film, With Norman and Harry dead (as of now) Oscorp needs a ceo so Vulture takes over or at least becomes a hefty shareholder, build his suit. Finds a reason to fight spiderman and there you have it. Less crying though, Spiderman 3 was way to much crying.

  2. Excellent casting if it’s to be believed. Although I do agree with Tabularasa as the Vulture wouldn’t be able to hold the movie by himself. Possibly a team-up? The Vulture and Mysterio? Maybe even bring in the Spider-Slayers?

  3. There needs to be another villain with Vulture, he can’t hold the movie. Vulture and Lizard would work well together.

  4. Upset that the studio may be shunting the Lizard to the side. Just figure that it’s a waste of set-up screen time, BUT John Malkovitch is PERFECT as Adrian Toomes/Vulture. This may even get diehard film buffs into the seats for Spidey. Also thankful for no female Vulture – maybe they can use Anne Hathaway in another part.

  5. I have always thought the Vulture would provide excellent visuals and high flying stunts for a movie. If the motivation for the Vulture is not contrived, (e.g. Sandman), then this could be a very interesting movie. With Malkovich, he could easily make it work.

    Count me interested.

  6. Not my first choice of villain, but if Raimi is acually allowed to do what he wants, we can probably expect a good film. Just please keep Felicia out of this.

  7. They should easliy fit the Vulture and Lizard in a story. Just base it off the “Tablet of Time” story with the Vulture in place of Silvermane.

  8. I think a Lizard vs Vulture fight would be AMAZING. They could be going through the city, and then Spidey joins and stuff. Hopefully they do this…

  9. I wanted Ben Kingsley… 🙁 I guess Lennie Small (from Of Mice and Men) will have to do…

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