This is crazy. After script difficulties, Sam Raimi has pulled out of Spider-Man 4 and Tobey Maguire with him. Sony Pictures has decided to go along with a reboot and set it for Summer in 2012
Sources found at
Typical college aged comic fan who wants to write and draw in the biz
Spidey is going to be in yet another video game coming out this year. This one is aimed at the kid set, but I think it looks fun. Here’s the trailer. Marvel Super Hero Squad […]
(Marvel Press Release)Following Zeb Wells’ landmark run, writer Joe Kelly and Justina Ireland alongside artists Ed McGuinness and Gleb Melnikov bring you a new Spidey epic titled THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN. Stay tuned in the […]
Four year old Tristan Evans is a natural when it comes to fishing. He knows in order to catch a big fish all you need is a Spider-Man fishing pole and a Spidey life vest. He […]
40 comments! Hurray!
sorry incase i wasnt clear………….BULL-SHIT!!!!
This is bull-(fill in the blank)….on an unrelated note does anyone else notice tobey’s crying a man tear?!?
I’m a little mixed on this. I really liked the Spidey-flicks. All of ’em.
I’ll admit that 3 was a little bit of a disappointment, but, I still liked it.
With the news of a reboot looming, and the success of Batman Begins, I think it could work out, and I’m a little hopeful. But, I suppose we’ll have to wait and see. I wonder if they’d let Kevin write it?
I blame everyone I blame Sam for selling out the 3rd time around I blame Sony for pressing too hard and I blame us the fans for Making spidey 3 commercially succesful we are all to BLAME!!!!!! Lol I don’t really blame the fans but I do blame everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Cameron? The guy who wanted Spidey to web MJ up and have upside down sex with her? Pass.
This news makes me roflcopter.
Spider-Man 3 was so fail. Everyone here secretly knows that. Who knows what plans they had for Spidey 4, but besides Malkovich as Vulture, the advance buzz did not sound good. (Weren’t they talking about some Vulture-Girl/Black Cat hybrid at one point??)
they gotta let Greg Weisman write the script for the reboot and ask James Cameron direct it!
am proud of Sam. he did the right thing by sticking to his guns and telling them to stick their webs where the sun dont shine!
Sam Raimi rules!
What the BLEEP? Are you being serious right now? Ugh, the idea of a reboot seems asinine to me when the last movie took place a couple years ago. Why don’t we just reboot Batman while we’re at it…AGAIN?!
*Sony lol
Seriously? Screw you sunny.
YES!!! I’ve been dreaming of a reboot since Spidey 3! There is a God….
Seriously, WHY?!?
I mean yeah 3 was kind of bad, but still. 🙁
I mean they could have brought Spider-man back to his original roots of organize crime, and have an occasional villain fight him off in number 4. However that’s just me.
I am SOOO excited about this 😀
Tobey who was a lot funnier in the games…
AICN is saying that the script had something to do with a BABY. What is it about a baby being so bad for the hero who, until recently, was slowly maturing and evolving?
They’re pulling a Bat-film with the Spidey Franchise. Now while the result COULD be worse, remember people…everyone thought the same when Chris Nolan rebooted the Batman franchise. This could be good for the property and we can have a Spider-Man that is better than what’s been produced before.
Don’t you just LOOOOVE how they try to spin it as an amicable split?
And you guys act like Sam was solely responsible for Spider-man 3…
… I miss Tobey already.
Better be a pretty kick ass movie if i have to see the same damn origin story for the hundrenth time. And they better not get one of those guys from Twilight to play Peter just because they are sending him back to highschool. And they better give him a good sense of humor like in spec spidey.
If Miley Cyrus is in the next movie, I hope the Goblin and Spidey take turns throwing her off a bridge : )
At least Dunst is gone!!!!!!
By the time this movie comes out I’ll be out of high school!
About time.
YES!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! =D
I just hope we get a film that’s more true to the character!
Can you say “wow, look at all the money Twilight is bringing in…we want that for spidey!!!” So lets reboot and have him in high school with some ‘twilight hunk’ playing peter and hanna montanna playing MJ, we’ll rake in the teenie bopper cash!!!
Great, I sure hope it doesn’t suck, I don’t wanna be too embarrassed to be buying ‘high school musical Spidey’ merchandise for the collection.
…Takes a drink
put “us” I mean, not “is”, 😉
“Exciting new direction”. I’m getting so SICK of these words. WHYYYY are they putting Pete back in highschool???? I’m IN highschool, I don’t want to watch a school movie! =/ By “reboot”, they should fast forward 5 years and put is right in the MIDDLE of an ongoing story. Have Spidey be acting LIKE Spidey, but not having to force an origin story down our throats. Especially with other hero movies coming out for the first time.
this is so crazy…..
You got to be kidding me.
Does Disney have the right to break the contract? I’d assume they wouldn’t want the most prized possession of the Marvel purchase to languish like this.
we need spectacular spider-man now more than ever!
Here’s the link.
Here’s Sony’s press release:
Culver City, CA (January 11, 2010) — Peter Parker is going back to high school when the next Spider-Man hits theaters in the summer of 2012.
Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios announced today they are moving forward with a film based on a script by James Vanderbilt that focuses on a teenager grappling with both contemporary human problems and amazing super-human crises.
The new chapter in the Spider-Man franchise produced by Columbia, Marvel Studios and Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin, will have a new cast and filmmaking team. Spider-Man 4 was to have been released in 2011, but had not yet gone into production.
“A decade ago we set out on this journey with Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire and together we made three Spider-Man films that set a new bar for the genre. When we began, no one ever imagined that we would make history at the box-office and now we have a rare opportunity to make history once again with this franchise. Peter Parker as an ordinary young adult grappling with extraordinary powers has always been the foundation that has made this character so timeless and compelling for generations of fans. We’re very excited about the creative possibilities that come from returning to Peter’s roots and we look forward to working once again with Marvel Studios, Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin on this new beginning,” said Amy Pascal, co-chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
“Working on the Spider-Man movies was the experience of a lifetime for me. While we were looking forward to doing a fourth one together, the studio and Marvel have a unique opportunity to take the franchise in a new direction, and I know they will do a terrific job,” said Sam Raimi.
“We have had a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration and friendship with Sam and Tobey and they have given us their best for the better part of the last decade. This is a bittersweet moment for us because while it is hard to imagine Spider-Man in anyone else’s hands, I know that this was a day that was inevitable,” said Matt Tolmach, president of Columbia Pictures, who has served as the studio’s chief production executive since the beginning of the franchise. “Now everything begins anew, and that’s got us all tremendously excited about what comes next. Under the continuing supervision of Avi and Laura, we have a clear vision for the future of Spider-Man and can’t wait to share this exciting new direction with audiences in 2012.”
“Spider-Man will always be an important franchise for Sony Pictures and a fresh start like this is a responsibility that we all take very seriously,” said Michael Lynton, Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures. “We have always believed that story comes first and story guides the direction of these films and as we move onto the next chapter, we will stay true to that principle and will do so with the highest respect for the source material and the fans and moviegoers who deserve nothing but the best when it comes to bringing these stories and characters to life on the big screen.”
ps as an evil dead fan, this is great news. bring on evil dead IV!
sony can suck it. after screwing up spider-man 3, instead of realizing they should listen to sam raimi, they come up with “vulturess”. when raimi realizes this sucks, they kick him out. this next movie has to really impress to make it all worth it. starting to wish more and more i was a iron man fan.
I’ll say it. It’s a Brand New Day! Ugh.
Please, no retelling of the origin! If you don’t know how he got his powers after the record success of the first movie, eff you. If they wanna restart in high school, fine, but do it right. Put his sense of humor back in, do something more interesting with his spider sense, have him use spider tracers, and more Betty Brandt and Gwen. MJ can sit it out till he goes to college. Liz or Betty would be great love interests for 1, Gwen for 2 and MJ and Gwen for 3.
And a new suit for Green Goblin would be nice, but not Spidey!
I just read this on another site. What a bunch of idiots in Hollywood! The franchise is barely 8 years old and now…Ultimate Spider-man. I’m very disappointed. Talk about following in the comic book’s footsteps…. here they go ‘a rebootin’!!! Now, no progression for Peter Parker, just turn him into a teenager and start all over again.
Oy vey!
This is so freaking insane man. I don’t really know what to think about it yet.
Special props go to Durkinator27 for leaking this scoop on Facebook.