The Deadline Hollywood website is quoting a Sony insider that says Spider-Man 4 will be in theaters in July 2011. The original date was May 5th, 2011.
Director Sam Raimi is allegedly having problems with the script. Hopefully, that female Vulture/ Felicia Hardy will be dropped completely. What are your thoughts? Leave them in the comment section.
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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why not bring Norman back and have him kill Gwen on top of the bridge?
@ Spider-Swan Brett Ratner? Seriously??? He made an awful mess of X-3. If anything, have Bryan Singer do Spider-man. He does good work.
Heck, why not make Spider-man 4 in 3-D? That would really drive that last nail on this coffin.
They might as well have JJJ using the remote controlled spider as a villian at least the screen on the robot showing JJJ can be in HD now.
vultress??????!!!!!! f$#k!!! nuculer man!!!????? sh#$!!!! WHAT.THE. HELL.IS.WRONG.WITH.THE.WORLD?????? bring on MYSTERIO!!! so many possabilities with mysterio. visually, story wise, twists and turns, lead the audience one way and then crash em in the face leaving them saying “ohhhh wooww!!!, thats crazy!! ” you could get the audience involved much deeper when they are trying to figure out what the hell is real or whatnot.
@ nate – Please no nipples on the Spider-suit!!!!
I hope to god sam doesnt get desprate and resort to ………CARNAGE!!!!! please….. choose the hobgoblin…… i dont love em but better than CARNAGE….
Wheatcakes, you forgot Ursula Ditkovich. 8)
this is gonna be the marvel equivalent of Batman & Robin
It’s going to be based on OMD/BND Peter, so it’s going to be more like a love octagon. Expect Peter to score with MJ, Felicia, Vulturess (Peter won’t know it’s Felicia because he’ll insist on the mask staying on), Betty, Gwen, Marcy Kane, some girl he met at the bus stop, and his cousins, cuz he’s a playah now, word up.
I’d rather not have Felicia in the movie at all. I’m getting sick of the Peter/MJ/whoever love triagle.
what the heck? that idea is absolutely repulsive. Felicia Hardy shall always be the Black Cat and not some other lame “original” villain. If you want to do the vulture raimi, fine. But use the original don´t completely change them.And I´m sorry if you think you don´t get enough creative space, but please for the love of all that is good, don´t change the characters like that!! Black Cat is a great character if you do her well. Plus if you use her in the movies, you can prove to everyone that she isn´t the Catwoman knockoff so many make her out to be. not sure if killing mj would be a good idea though,seeing as she is his main love intrest in the film.But if you feel like it sure,go ahead. Maybe you could bring back gwen and develop her? oh and if you by any chance would read this raimi(which is kind of improbable, but a guy can always hope eh?), please don´t misinterpret my message as some kind off hate-mail. I have great respect for you as a film-maker, and I actually think you´ve made a good job with the first three films. I´m just a fan, wanting the characters to look as alike as their comic-book counterparts.
Okay, I´m done ranting now.
Yeah, this kinda of wrangling doesn’t leave one with a lot of confidence that the finished product will be any good. Never mind.
As long as the story is being taken seriously, u gotta do wat u gotta do
So first we hear that Anne Hathaway might be playing Felicia Hardy who will be the “Vultress” instead of the Black Cat. Then we hear news that Mary Jane might end up getting “killed off” in the script due to Kristen Dunst possibly wanting to bow out. Now, it’s confirmed that the production has been delayed due to Raimi and Sony clashing over the script. This is starting to sound like Spider-Man 3 all over again.
I like the idea of keeping a classic villain the movie and I definitely don’t approve of a Vulturess. I’d like to see a Black Cat subplot though. I don’t care if the movie is delayed as long as they get it right. 🙂
Something’s gotta give — Captain America is currently scheduled for July 2011.
Keep that d*** mask on, or so help me god I’LL…
So, it is not too late for the villian in the fourth script to be…. the Hypno-Hustler??? Sweet!!!
They should get that Brett Ratner Guy in, he did an awesome job with X3! Maybe he can bring in some of his Rush Hour coolness; have Jackie Chan as Mr. Negative and Chris Tucker as the Prowler…
this scares me because it’s the 4th rewrite (that we know of), which is never good because there has been at least 1 major overhaul to the script already. but i’m sure i’ll be in line opening day for this just like everyone else on this site…
The latest rumor for the fourth movie is that Norman Osborn will return similar to how he did in the Clone Saga, and he will harness the sun’s energy to create a new villain, Nuclear Man, leading to a huge battle between NM and Spidey on the moon. For sure, dumping the Vulturess idea was a good thing.
heard this also. it sucks indeed! but i belive Raimi is right. he just doesnt want the studio to once again impose on him any characters he doesnt relate to like Venom in spidey 3. and i have also heard that Balck Cat is in the said scripts and she is nothing like we know and like and this is probably one of the reasons Sam hates the script(s). (rumor has it that “unlike in the comic books, this Felicia Hardy doesn’t transform into the Black Cat. Instead, Felicia will become a brand-new superpowered figure called the Vulturess..”!!!!) this also jibes with the news that Sony relinquished the rights to Spectacular spider-man to have more creative freedom with the movies (i.e. a licence to butcher more beloved characters from the spidey universe!!!). so i just hope Sam deosnt back down from what he believs is right cause quality is more important and i dont care how long it takes for them to get it right.
They need to drop Raimi completly, give someone new a chance to give Spidey a creative push, maybe tailor Peter into an older climate
I hope they realize to just give Raimi control and not let too many cooks in the kitchen. And I second getting rid of the vultress if the rumor of her being Felicia is true!
I’d rather it not come out at all if that Vulturess story was legit. It might just be time to let Spider-Man wallcrawl on over to Disneyville.