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Spidey Memories#69

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  1. JGL maybe a bit old for a highschooler but toby took the role when he was in his late 20s. JGL i think is a good choice 4 parker. i think he would be able to pull off peter/spidey sarcastic nature and witty comeback quiet well. dont you think, plus if tyhis rboot takes plac in the ultimate universe he would have the physique for it too, and i think he would fit quite well into an avengers movie too

  2. If they are setting this in high school like they say thank they might be able to get away with him as a high school student but unlikely, however it should be noted that he’s only 28 when Maguire did spiderman 1 he was in high school for the first 1 hour of the film and he wsa 27 at the time so levitt’s age really isnt that bigger issue, would love to see him as spiderman

  3. Can MTV just leave well enough alone? Geez, the guy is promoting something else, NOT SPIDER-MAN! What the hell is MTV doing? This isn’t covering the news, its “MAKING THE NEWS!” And quite frankly pisses this wannabe journalist off quite a bit.

  4. You can’t be Cobra Commander and Spider-Man at the same time man first Ryan Reynolds playing Green Lantern and Deadpool and now this. Stop trying to rip the space time fabric wide open Hollywood GAWD…

  5. nope… and good point spider-girl. in fact, its some of those moments (where it could be considered the more heart-felt parts) that i felt either dragged, or had mary jane being whiny. Sometimes.

  6. The kid from “Third Rock From The Sun”?
    Who is now way too old to be a “High School” student?
    Does he enjoy Spider-Man or is he there only for the big money?

  7. I really don’t see this happening. I think this reboot aims to correct the mistakes of the past film series, and that would include casting someone too old in the part.

  8. 1. I find it ironic that he talks about “bringing heart to the film instead of just raw action” when that’s what Raimi was doing all along!

    2. I actually really like Gordon-Levitt right now. He has really matured. Yea, the age thing could be a problem, but if they picked him I’d be ok with it. Anyone but Zac Efron and RPatz.

  9. C’mon the dude looks like an alien (no 3rd rock reference intended). He is also 10 years too old to be playing a highschool student.

  10. JGL as Spidey is an awesome pairing…
    I doubt he’ll get the role though, as it’s more high school orienated… Still, If JGL and Webb were both signed on for this, my ticket would be already sold.

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