Marvel has sent out this 2010 teaser image, what does it mean? However, was this teaser ever answered from a few years ago?
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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I wager it’s part of the Gauntlet, sort of a “Fall of the Spiders” thing that the Kraven girls are setting up.
Black suit Spidey is Venom, and Iron Spidey is the remaining MVP clone from Initiative. Basically, I bet the completed image will include all spider-powered people currently active in the Marvel universe. Kaine, the Spider-Womans, and such.
The concept behind BND was described by Slott as Marvel’s attempt at making Spider-Man more like a television dramm like LOST. With flashbacks, slow-burning revelations, slow-burning storytelling, and eventually answers as the series winds down or prepares for it’s second act. The second act of BND took TWO YEARS to get going, where as the THIRD act of DeFalco’s far superior “Brand New May” saga will begin in 2010.
That is an INSANE contrast
I agree. D.C is the superior product at the moment. I don’t know how anyone can still follow Marvel with a straight face…it’s like they just want to stare at a train-wreck and munch popcorn without fighting for something better. Hell I might even pick up Guggenhiem’s Action Comics, just because he’s vowed to write a married Clark and Lois when nobody else really wanted to at D.C (except Geoff Jones)
The teaser is reflective of the Jigsaw that has been left in the wake of BND. The Iron Spider indicates this is Slott using the revelation he had prepared for Cival War before the OMD mandate was finalized, now he’s getting the chance to use it. OMD probably only still happened from MJ’s perspective. This is what PETER remembers happening.
…PLEASE do a big teaser poster for the Crawl Space comic book guys. I could do with something that I would actually READ other than Spider-Girl
The remaining two peices of the puzzle seem to be your average “Spidey is dismayed as he holds a dead body”…likely Jay Jameson, the winner of the most obvious Gary Stu award for 2009.
I hope it’s something that will erase the horrible nightmare that is OMD/BND,but knowing Marvel it’s not going to happen until hell freezes over and Mephisto gets frozen solid.
If they’re gonna actually do something big in the Spider-man world, I would think they’d hafta have it be based around somehow straighting out all the BND stuff. I haven’t been reading any of it, but aren’t there still a lotta unanswered questions? I’d think you’d hafta do something there before you do an additional major saga.
So, hopefully it just ends up meaning Quesadia humbles up, and somehow fixes the story in a way I’ll like.
i am not a DC chump, never was and never will be, but that is the truth no matter how bitter it might be
ban these dc chumps BD.
all in all, DC treats its fans better and more fairly and resepcts them more than Marvel does
that is one bland insipid teaser and doesnt do what it is supposed to: catch the reader’s attention
that’s cuz they do!
I feel like DC is the only one that legitimately answers their teaser images…
I’m gonna go for broke and say…answers to OMD???
I have no idea what it means, and because of that, I must assume it will suck and complain about it on the internet, yet continue to purchase the comic.
A typical comic book fan in 2009
I wouldn’t be surprised if they have different versions of Spider-Man like the symboite, the iron spider, etc. and it ends up being like the 90’s cartoon finale where Peter met the spider-man in different universes
I laugh at that OMD teaser, because they never claimed that it was one of the people pictured. So it WAS answered — it was Mephisto. Man, what a bullshit swerve of a teaser. 😛
IRONSPIDER SUIT/ scarlet spider im on board
Well, I don’t…
Does anyone care?