We make it no secret here on “Spider-Man Crawlspace” that Christopher Daniel Barnes portrayal as Peter Parker holds a special place in some of our childhoods. In more recent years, as we’ve grown wiser, it’s become “cool” make fun of his “ham acting”. Someone on YOUTUBE put together this compilation of Barnes cheesiest moments.
And yes, there are multiple “MARY JANE” moments within.
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That’s really cool Demona! (Have you worked on anything well known?) That’s actually a really good point I overlooked, about it being the editors and stuff who share the blame. And another good point that you made that I can make to clarify myself; Barnes has “something special” to me. So I correct myself in saying the others weren’t good but he was, but what I meant was that the others are good but Barnes puts a little bit more in. But anyways: I watch a lot of cartoons and play a lot of video games, and there are a lot of people who seem like they just read their lines and move on. In mostly all “comedy” cartoons, I feel when people use funny voices, it may add to the comedy, but detract from their vocal range (since usually you have to use different muscles to talk in a voice that you will lose if you go out of the regular emotion). The people that can do voices with emotion are those to be considered more talented to me. This is why I said “integrity”, because CDB can not only maintain his voice, but make it sound authentic in all emotions. Sometimes VA’s put the emotion on too strong when it is not needed, and other times little when it should be there. By the way, how CDB “enjoys his work” was unrelated to my other comment (I wasn’t saying others didn’t enjoy their work, becuase obviously they wouldn’t be there =P)
As full pf cheese as it is, CDB is still the voice I hear when i’m reading amazing……more or less.
Iron Lantern –
I’m a talent coordinator for animation. I spend a lot of time in the recording studio with some of the most amazing and dynamic people on the planet. I’m wondering what you’re watching that would make you say that voice actors don’t have integrity? I understand the low quality you sometimes (not always) find on Video games, but you have to consider that they get the best they can for the budgets they have.
The voice actor who is clearly apathetic about their work, generally gets replaced. … or perhaps they simply don’t have good direction? You can’t fault an actor who was told the read/action was good when it clearly is not.
I just don’t see anyone not putting 100%+ into their work getting more work in a town flooded with talent. There are just too many good ones out here to choose from as it is. You really have to have something special to stand out in the crowd! I, personally, have never seen anything but the best from those I’ve worked with!
Happy to answer any questions you might have about the process and all. 🙂
Greg, I’m not saying all voice actors don’t have skill, but if you listen to some of the ones in video games and T.V. shows; it doesn’t seem like they are putting too much effort in. I know many VA’s too, don’t get me wrong (it’s something I look forward to doing in the future also), all I was sating is that CDB’s willingness to scream into the mic is something I don’t hear often in Saturday morning cartoons.
Iron Lantern> I know several voice actors, and they all have integrity and enjoy what they do.
LOL… that was me. I put this one together. 😉
Thanks for reminding me how awful this series was. God bless Barnes, but some of the material he had to work with here…yeesh
Long before OMD, magic was in every way a large nusicense in this series thanks to Semper’s goddamn Madame Web story.
And MJ here was handled very poorly to boot, a sad precursor to the assanine BND version and an affront to the comic persona at the time
CDB actually has something that is lost in many voice actors… integrity. Hammy, yeah (sometimes waaayy too much…); but you can tell he enjoys his work.
That was painful to watch.
I still don’t think CDB was bad in any of his scenes. Hammy, yes. But still awesome.
Don’t mess with Prince Eric!
That is awsome but I don’t find any of those moments cheesy.
HAHAHhahaha ****ing awesome! Hope whoever made this is female cuz I’m in love