What Are You Thankful For This Year?

spiderturkeyHappy Thanksgiving fellow Crawl Spacers. I thought it’d be fun to take a second to say what your thankful for this year. Leave your thoughts in the comment section. I hope you all have a great holiday!

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  1. I am thankful for Marvel vs. Capcom 2 being re-released so I could play Spider-Man in a fighting game online, thankful for Spider-Girl in Spider-Man Family, the new Clone Saga series by DeFalco and Mackie along with Spider-Man’s comic strip in Comic Shop News. Also thankful for 2 great seasons of the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon and I really hope it continues.

    For non Spider-Man related stuff I am thankful that for my job, family, loved ones, and all around good health.

  2. I am thankful for my family and friends, the strengths and weaknesses that God gave me, and of course, the Crawl Space, without which, I would be a very different person!

  3. Seriously? Only 12 comments? I get around 5000 visitors a day and only 12 told what they’re thankful for? Come on now.

  4. I’m also thankful for spidertour02’s hilarious Steven Segal avatar. Makes me laugh EVERY time!

  5. I’m Thankful to have Family & Friends for just being there for me when I can love them in whatever path in life we walk Happy Turkey Day to all!

  6. I’m thankful for the CrawlSpace and the great and entertaining Podcasts you guys give to us for free. Enjoy driving home from work listening to you guys critique the latest adventures of our favorite wallcrawler. Keep ’em coming!

  7. I am thankful for my son, the smile I have every morning, friends, and this always interesting journey of life.

  8. Thankful for the solid semester I’ve had at college this year, friends and family, and getting to know more’n more ppl at the Crawlspace through the reviews and Skype chats!

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