Slott teases tomorrows crossovers


Dan Slott handled “Weekly Webbing” today and gave some teases to the two big events happening in the Spider-world tomorrow. He addresses the concern that fans have about Spider-Man being instrumental to Norman Osborn’s downfall. Check out the highlights here.

Bertone: Spider-Man Examiner

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  1. i just read this comic. i gotta confess that it was really good. probably my favorite in a long long time

  2. Just read the issue and thought it was really good. I enjoyed it a lot more than the current ASM stories.

  3. Did Slott just confess that Bendis and the others treat Spider-Man and comics like fanfic?

    I mean. it was bluntly obvious BND is treated like bad fanfiction, but to admit it….

    I wouldnt even call what Bendis does on Ultimate Comics Spidey “fanfic”, it’s still miles above ASM and does fresh things. I like the original villains in that thus far, and The Shroud mystery is genuinally enthralling, PLUS it’s going to be resolved in another month. BND won’t likely resolve even Carlie Cooper’s shitic for fifty five years

  4. It seems kind of disengenuous to talk about impact and continuity when 20 years worth of stories had to be flushed down the drain to tell this one.

  5. Not gonna lie, reading Slott say that Spider-Man should be instrumental in brining Norman down makes me smile.

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