Julia Styles is the latest actress rumored to be up for the Black Cat role. UGO originated the rumor. Styles has recently been in the Bourne Trilogy with actor Matt Damon. I did another photoshop with her face on Felicia’s body. What do you think of this casting choice?
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on Marvel.com and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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“but a highly successsful super model/ actress/ soap star?”
Well to be fair, movie MJ isn’t any of those, so with what Dunst is given I think she plays it well… that sentence only enforces my belief its not the actor, but the writers mishap.
I tend to agree with Spider-Dad on this one. I do love the Black Cat character in the comics, I’m just not sure she would translate well on the big screen. It just screams Batman and Robin.
As far as Dunst goes, she is attractive, but just lacks that certain sex appeal. Before the movies came out, my whole life I pictured someone like Carmen Electra as the comic book MJ, so naturally it’s disappointing when Dunst is the face they choose to put to the real life character. Dunst is a cute girl who I wouldn’t kick out of bed for eating crackers…….but a highly successsful super model/ actress/ soap star?I just don’t buy it. Not even close. It’s just not the face I would expect to see when you open the door to see her for the time and she utters,” Face it Tiger. You just hit the jackpot!”
And by the way…..my wife is waaaay more attractive than Kirsten Dunst……with loads more of sex appeal.
I think it’s already been shown WHY they’d want Felicia around at all in the current comics.
Am I the only one that thinks having the Black Cat in Spider-Man 4 is bomb city? Felicia is not interesting enough a character to help improve the Spider-Man movie franchise image. Say Black Cat and most people will think Catwoman, and we all know how well that movie went with Halle Berry. Sam better be blowing smoke, otherwise I smell a stinker of a potential script with Black Cat “helping”.
BTW: Anywheatcakesleft? You are not alone. Kirsten Dunst is a very attractive young women. Looked great in SM 1, but the person who did the outfits\hair in SM2 and 3 should be shot. I dare any of those posting otherwise to confess if they have dated anyone half as good looking as Kirsten Dunst…Bueller? Bueller?
If MJ was written in the movies as the party girl like in the comics and Dunst was given the part, then I agree, it wouldn’t have been a good fit. But for whatever reason in the movies she was portrayed as the girl next door (literally in this case), and I thought she was a good choice. How she might be on a personal level, I have no idea. I do think she is a very attractive young lady.
iron…even ultimate mj is hotter than Dunst
@William Moreno
… That thread was over a year ago, I think… sorry you missed it.
Does it count that I don’t think Dunst is terrible looking? I really like the idea of Kristen Bell and found it funny but interesting to have Ali Larter mentioned. She probably wouldn’t be bad either. Though, why don’t we throw in Hayden Paniteirre into the mix – then we have all the hot Heroes women. 🙂
Just thinking of it, damn me for saying Scarlett Johanssen would be a good Cat. (but, like Ryan Reynolds, I wouldn’t want her playing two characters [Black Widow]. Heh, maybe they can do a “husband and wife power hour” and try to take over the WHOLE dang business). 😀
Count me in for finding her attractive. Two to go…
Well Ironspidey, Ultimate MJ isn’t such a bombshell (realistically..) and I think the movies are based off the Ultimate line more so than 616 =/. I think the main problem with both Maguire and Dunst is that they are too dang quiet. MJ should be way outgoing, and Peter (as Spidey) should be downright obnoxious. They both have such gentle voices…
If I could pick a BC actress, it would probably be Ali Larter. Paige Turco and Yvonne Strachovsky would be cool too.
Mr. Morreno I have never stood by dunst’s casting in the franchise I complained the day I heard it. Mj needs to be gorgeous not the ugly girl next door
Kristen Bell as the Black Cat is so spot on! Anyone unfamiliar with her just needs to google ‘Kristen Bell as Princess Leia’.
Your welcome.
Dunst was never pretty enough to play MJ but in the first spiderman she still looked cute and somewhat sexy so you could live with the choice. By 2 she was looking pretty bad I thought and by 3 just awful.
i can’t see Stiles or McAdams as Black Cat to be honest.
I didn’t hear anyone complaining about Dunst in SM 1. In fact, the scene where Spidey rescues her from the assualters in the rain she looks really hot! (you all know why!). She was cute and perky, but when SM 2 came round, they put a pale orange wig on her instead of dying her hair intense red and suddenly her boobs droped about 12 inches. She lost all her “Bring It On” sexiness and appeal!!
Anyway, Julia Stiles? Please pick someone HOT for the role. McAdams looks hot when she wants to. There are sooo many young, hot, talented actresses.
Oh, and BTW… don´t recast Betty Brant… Elizabeth Banks is beautiful and a good actress!! Besides, it’s cool of her to continue appearing even if it’s only a bit part. Maybe in the future, they’ll give her more to do, but I don’t think so…
I’m really hoping this is just a rumor. I just can’t see her pulling off the role.
… so Maguire breaks into a hotel room to have sex in the dark with her in the next movie?
I stand by Any Wheatcakes in solidarity. Who are the other three?
I’m sorry wheatcakes but you are among the five men in the whole world that does. Now it’s not for me to question your taste in The opposite sex but do you think maybe it’s time to get your eyes examined maybe the precription on your glasses needs to be increased. No no I’m kidding. Seriously dunst is attractive in that turn off the lights kind of way or that 5 shots of tequila way. She’s not qualified to play the ultra hot SUPER MODEL Mary Jane in the whole movie franchise I can’t pick out a single scene where she looks remotely pretty the only reason I accepted her as mj was becuz the rest of the damn movies were good until 3. And I. 3 she was a whiny it’s not about you it’s my career whore. Which I’m sure is pretty close to her actual personality ugh see where u made me go wheat cakes lol.
Am I the only one who thinks Kiersten Dunst is attractive?
I think Stiles could pull off a terrific Betty Brant if they ever recasted.
UnderRedSky has good point, i think kristen bell could do it, she is getting a fanboy following as of late anyway
The actress who they cast needs to have two qualities:
1.She should be attractive,of course. Stiles fits the bill here.
2.The audience should believe her capable of kicking peoples asses. I can’t picture Stiles(or McAdams,for that matter) kicking anyone’s ass,let alone giving Spider-man a decent fight.
I think any of the two girls from “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (Kristen Bell and Mila Kunis) would make a sexy Black Cat. I agree with Ironspidey1983. We had to settle for a horrible casting in Mary Jane, they better knock it out of the park with the Black Cat casting. I could see them casting Julia Stiles as Black Cat though just to have someone down at the same sex appeal level as Kirsten Dunst….which is next to nil. Otherwise, what guy could relate to turning down someone like Eliza Dushku (would also make a great Black Cat) in tight black leather to go home and cozy up with ol’ snaggle tooth, Kirsten Dunst.
This will probably be denied as well. I’m like the rest of you; I do like Stiles as an actress but I really thought McAdams would have been an awesome Black Cat!
I prefer Rachel McAdams
Nah, I don’t see it. I think she would make a better Mary Jane.
Mcadams was better for the black cat role. Fer shame.
I didn’t like how the mask covered up McAdams face, so I decided to leave it off.
wheres the mask BD?
Ok I begrdugingly accepted a fugly Mary Jane but I refuse to have a not sexy black cat I will boycott I swear!
Not a fan of this news. I think McAdams is better casting. I dont’ think Stiles has the sex appeal, and really can’t fill out the suit.