Starting at midnight, Steve Wacker will be live blogging for a 24 hour period using the “Cover it Live” application. You can check out the daily activities of the Spider-editor for the next day over on Newsarama and check out my write-up for Examiner.
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Amazing Spider-Man #75 First Look
by Mohammed
Marvel have given us our first look at the art of Amazing Spider-Man #75 Creative Team will consist of Lead Writer/Artist Patrick Gleason Along with Writer/Artist/Cover Artist Athur Adams Artists Sara Pichelli (Miles Morales), Michael […]

Previews: July 29th, 2020
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Amazing Spider-Man #45Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #5Spider-Man Noir #2Empyre: Savage Avengers #1* *Possible/Confirmed Appearances Previews Provided By Adventures In Poor Taste Amazing Spider-Man #45 STORY BY: Nick SpencerART BY: Mark BagleyCOVER BY: Josemaria Casanovas, Mark […]

Sinister War #1 Preview
by Brad Douglas
Marvel sent over a preview of Sinister War #1. What do you think of it? This will be released at comic shops on July 14,2021.
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Okay, that was a lie… I want to punch him for an entirely different reason.
Um….Nice teeth. =)
wow, I feel like he’s laughing at me and other deltas for the money I spent on bndverse spidey. seeing that face makes me glad I quit and went back to back issues.
Why do I suddenly have the urge to punch him?
… I KNOW!!! He looks like Shane Mc Mahon!!!
erm… thanks.
Wow…put a monacle and a townsspeaker hat on him, and he’s a picture-perfect match for “HAHAHAHA, INTERNETS” sig.