This scene originally played out in “Amazing Spider-Man” issue 398. I wonder if Geico will let Mary Jane include Peter on her plan if they learn they’re not married. Perhaps Peter shouldn’t be getting so excited.
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Why didn’t they make him happy for Taco’s? At least that will make him a competitor for Deadpool
Hands down my favorite revision thus far. Keep ’em coming, Bertone!
They just keep getting better and better!! Great job!!
From what I read of Tom D’s early history for Mayday though, it seems MJ DID go back to that hairstyle, so everbody wins!
Jason: Why did Mark lift Todd’s template? Simple….because MJ’s John Romita snr hair-style remains one of the most overrated, overused, dated, awful hairstyles ever created for comics. It was acceptable in the 70s and 80s, but the look Todd, Mark, and Sal established in the 1990s made MJ look more like a grown-up, symbolic of her maturity. MJ reverting back to her old hairstyle (like she did in “The Shreiking” for a couple of panels) with that figure looked utterly ridiculouss. That look is a “hot mom” look, it shows age and gracefulness. The donkey that said to Marvel editorial “MJ’s got to go back to her old look…and look increasingly anorexic” needed his mouth stapled shut.
I’m not a BND fan whatsoever, but people hoping the pregnancy will be acknowledged have to face facts and accept that MJ was never impregnated in the current continiuity, where the Clone Saga still stands as it did in the 90s without the wedding and “the other baggage”.
(not unless the new Clone Saga mini-series is supposed to be canon now and BND has been retro-fitted as an alternate universe that just happens to occupy the “core” title for the time being. We will know in six months if this is the case when “The Clone Saga” wraps up, because all evidence points to it being very present day-ish.
I’ll go with Dr Folesome here…the OMD girl isnt Mayday, it’s an avatar of any future child at any one time. Check “The Book of Peter” for the other story where God or whatever it was said a family would be waiting for the Parkers at the end of thier trials, the children in that story are also very different.
The build to OMD is a right jolly fine mess…more so than the OMD story, because the writers on them were trying everything to say “OMD cannot possibly happen”
I was wondering if they were gonna show MJ pregnant in the new clone saga…
All these “Spidey Revisions” have been great, but this was hysterical. Nice job!
Love it! Keep ’em coming!!!
LOL. I remember Pete did a Tom Cruise on the couch and on the ceiling. But come on guys give the guy SOMETHING! BTW I’ll never understand why Mark couldn’t have kept MJ’s hair it’s usual style and not the riff off of Todd’s revamp.
Come to Delta, Folsome. Bring Combustible Pumpkins with you.
Spider-Man could beat the Hell out of the Geico cavemen. Just sayin’ is all.
these are cruel…
I think one can still read the clone saga in its original for and get enjoyment out of emotional scenes which eventually got retconned…
Or you could give in to your rage and join Delta House Doc. We’ve got a room with your name on it. 🙂
Denial is not just a river in Africa Berserkfury 😉 haha… seriously though, I think you’re talking about the girl from Sens #41 and i thought she (like the other two Peters from that story) were just alternate future folk and that she was not supposed to be the actual baby May from the 90s (although i don’t recall if the character in Sens 41 was ever given a name)…if that young girl is supposed to be the actual baby May that MJ gave birth to, than that would confirm that BND is just an alternate universe in and of itself because Baby May was already born and not ‘never to be born’ as that story was told…not good no matter how you slice it…i’ll be gently sobbing into my pillow if anyone needs to talk to me…
Absolutely Hilarious!
These just keep getting better and better!
I know you don’t want to hear it Doc. But its pretty much been confirmed that the pregnancy never happened. The girl that will never be born now that appears in ASM 545? That was May.
I like it…but this scene (if i’ve been advised correctly) should not require revisions since it was JUST the marriage that was removed…but i may need to return to my fortress of Uninformed Optimism now…
HAHAHAHAHAHA This is great!!!!!