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Uh Norman… is that you?

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  1. I still don’t like McFarlane, at least not when he inks his work, McLeod was needed a longer time
    Awesome issue, I must be in minority as one who love “Captain Universe Spidey”

  2. I looooved this issue as a kid. It was sooo cool that Spidey kicked the Hulk’s ass after all these years. McFarlane’s pencils were awesome!

  3. Gotta love the whole Acts of Vengeance crossover. Sebastien Shaw hiring the Hulk to go after Spidey. Classic!

    Nowadays almost every villian has crossed paths with Spidey.

  4. This issue was an interesting situation of the tables being turned. The Hulk, at this stage, had regressed to his gray personna which was smarter but nonetheless weaker than the Big Green. And Spider-Man, who had always been at a disadvantage against such heavy hitters, had been chosen by fate to temporarily possess the powers of Captain Universe. I think there was a line after he knocked the Hulk into space – either he said it or the kid beside him said it – was “I dont think he’s coming back down.” I loved how Todd drew the Hulk’s face as Spidey grabbed him and dragged him back down to Earth. WTF?!

  5. “Torment” is a misunderstood indie concept album…just add music…and every drug you’re not supposed to take ever.

  6. I always thought the cosmic spidey line was a parody on the obsurdity of Superman’s powers. In response, Superman died a little while later just to prove that he could be challenged.

  7. This is also the last McFarlane issue he did for his run on ‘Amazing’ …. his issues were always fantastic -ONLY- when someone, other than HIMSELF scripted the issue! Erik Larsen would end up down that similar path, too – if I remember correctly.

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