From “Amazing Spider-Man” issue 182. Peter proposes to Mary Jane for the first time. As we know this one didn’t end with a trip to the altar. I wonder how different things would have been had she said “yes”.
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Don’t count it dude, that means giving them an advantage.
I choose not to count it…that way they don’t get to me and taint continuities Marvel still have that embody the true spirit of the character
Well technically even in OMD continuity the upside down ring did happen. We’re told it was the wedding where things took a turn and that something stopped or interrupted things on the wedding day.
I still prefer the “natural” way they did it…MJ even saying “I’ll marry you” while there huddled in the airport snuggling was the most memorable version.
As for it not being “canon”…it still IS canon. “Canon” and “continuity” are often confused with one another, but they don’t always mean the same thing. Besides, It’s still canon in Spider-Girl. It’s still canon in The Clone Saga, a completly different version is canon in the newspaper strip. Every wedding counts, it’s just that it “doesnt count” in this backwards alternate universe shithole called BND. It’s kinda sad that in this day and age of comics, the word “diversity” still doesnt resonate in the noggins of half the readership. ASM’s time has come and gone, nobody rates it anymore, and that’s a good thing
Yeah but in the wedding issue he gets down on one knee and presents her with the ring while on the ceiling. It’s a really sweet scene. Too bad it’s no longer canon. Sigh.
He didnt even do that the second time, he grabbed her shoulders and yelled it into her face.
My gosh, man, get down on one knee!
@ Danish Web:
Part 1: Peter told MJ in the strip before the marriage. Ironically, it happened in the comic first and took Stan a couple of years before he found out. When he realized that she knew who he was in the book, he felt it was stupid that she didn’t know in the strip and had Peter do the big reveal. Oddly enough, it was the fact that she knew his identity that made Stan decided that they should be married – since Peter now no longer had a secret that would separate him from the one he loved.
Part 2: back in 1992, Marvel published a trade of the wedding which can be found on Amazon ( It has the 3 issues leading up to the annual, the annual, and the comic strip wedding. Also, in 1987, Marvel published the history of Peter & MJ in Marvel Saga #22 ( ) written by Peter David. It covers EVERYTHING leading up to the wedding and can probably be found very cheaply if you look for it. ( it’s on ebay for less than $10.00, and I believe the just reprinted it in the Essential Marvel Saga #2
…(Shoot, posted before I could finish)
Spetacular Spider-Man picks up on MJ’s refual to marry Peter very well by the way, I recommend looking that up if you want a great couple of pages where MJ really regrets how she turned down Peter and hugs him rather emotionally.
…Anyhoo, I think I just realized that “The Wedding Saga” could actually be given it’s own five book TPB, as it arguably began right after the original Clone Saga and didnt culminate until 1987.
In the newspaper strip, MJ said “yes” almost immediatly…could someone who’s an expert on that strip remind me if Peter told her he was Spider-Man BEFORE he proposed in that continuity? Because he didnt in 616 and that played a BIG part in MJ leaving New York when she deduced the truth shortly after this (I don’t count Paralel Lives as canon btw…just humour me here). Wolfman wrote a very good Peter/MJ, even if he didnt agree with the relationship, and his ten issue systematic breakdown of Peter/MJ still leaves a sour taste in my mouth as MJ would never have done that to Peter…fortunatly, Stern and Tom D pulled MJ out of the fire and minimised it so much that it’s now become a very entertaining storyline since we now know why MJ did what she did to avoid hurting Peter by confessing she knew who he was (that lasted about as long as her “vacation” though)
Wow … Peter proposes to Mary Jane, and the tease they give for the next issue is about BIG WHEEL?! 😛
Man we sure are NEGATIVE site for posting pictures of Peter proposing!
I don’t blame her for saying no, I mean, he hid the ring in a box of Cracker Jacks. Cracker Jacks, seriously Peter?
Don’t forget throwing a separated Betty Leeds into the mix. The split occurred really slowly between 183 (when MJ said it was over) and 193 (where she said it was OVVVVERR). I did a post on it at LJ once showing how that train wreck evolved…maybe i’ll repost it sometime.
If memory serves me, MJ said no in #183 and then Peter and MJ split up. They had been dating for 40 issues or something.
This is early in the Marv Wolfman era of ASM, which is very underrated IMO. He split Peter and MJ up, introduced the Black Cat, and started making ASM’s subplots interesting again.
Maybe that’s when they should have started their ” committed relationship”.
Every time I correct the misconception that the marriage was “forced” or “rushed” I always point to moments in history like this which show how the road to these two eventually getting married started waaaay before many think it did.
Ah, those were the days when that didn’t matter. According to pop culture today, getting married is for 40-year-olds…
But Peter is to young to get married!