Spidey Memories#52


From “Amazing Spider-Man” issue 252. Jameson retires his post as EIC of the Bugle. At the time it was a big deal and the next few years had Robbie taking a very active role in running the paper. Eventually status quo won out and this was largely forgotten with Jonah appearing to run things the way they were before he stepped down.

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  1. Stern had Peter commenting on that at the time: JJJ was so proud of ‘fessing up about the the Scorpion, that he conveniently forgot about the numerous Spider-Slayers and other projects he supported.

  2. And of all people it’s the king of the hypocrites himself. “A vigilante who takes the law into his own hands?” Uhm pot kettle Jonah. The Scorpion’s just one of your vigilante skeletons in your closet.

  3. I think this was one of the few times that I ever saw JJJ do anything that had a sense of clarity. He proved that despite his unreasoning hatred of Spider-Man, that newsman objectivity hadn’t been driven from him completely. Still, he came out with the truth about his connection to Gargan only after he was blackmailed. Another case of being sorry that he got caught. Whaddaya know? Someone before David Letterman actually beat a blackmailer.

  4. The Hobgoblin trade paperback coyly omits the final scenes of this issue that lead into “Secret Wars”…didnt Tom DeFalco write those last few pages? Stern seemes to close out his run with Harry and Peter’s conversation.

    This seemed very metaphorical looking back, Roger Stern would step down as writer of ASM in the same issue (because of Tom D’s fateful plans for MJt)
    You’re right, once Tom D took over, Robbie lost his gut and just bent over backwards to Jonah…until he threatened to quit over the slander Jonah wanted to print about the X-Men. Alas, Robbie then entered a rather amusing “dork age” where a rivalry with Tombstone sprang up out of nowhere, culminating in the two in prepostrous dungerees chasing each other around on an Amish farm.

  5. Yeah, I don’t know if this was 252. In that one Spidey appears with his black costume and takes a couple of kids to the top of a building for a talking-to. Good moment though regardless.

  6. Maybe #251 ? It was definitely after the big Hobgoblin fight (since JJJ was being blackmailed by Hobby using the Osbourne jounals), but as JGC said, it was before the black costume.

  7. Are you sure this was #252? That was the first appearance of the black costume. I think this is from ASM #’s 249-250.

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