Spidey Memories#49


Paul Jenkins did one of my favorite Chameleon stories. This is a scene from Webspinners issue 11. Chameleon has told Peter he loves him and it gets an interesting response.

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  1. I loved this story. Kinda sad how it ended… and real funny he went from wanting to see Peter smile just once to screwing up his personal life by screwing his roommate.

  2. I totally LOVED this storyline. Didn’t realize I even collected “Webspinners” , I thought this was in Peter Parker: Spider-man or something.
    After this Chameleon wasn’t seen again till that time where he was posing as Kraven, right? I would have totally dug it if that one didn’t end the way it did, and they just kept Chameleon posing as him from then on. Like, say after his fall off the bridge he just thought he was Kraven and they stuck with that for a long time. But anyways, thats going off track so I’ll keep quite now.

  3. I thought it was quite clear Chamelion was bisexual. The first clues were his delusions about Sergi in “Pursuit”.

    This was about the third time they tried angsting The Chamelion up and “killing” him in some bizzare way…

    “Pursuit”- Has a breakdown and effectivly “kills off” The Chamelion we all knew from the 1980s and 1990s who was a criminal mastermind with a level head.

    “Reckoning”- The first storyline after The Clone Saga and he’s shot by Kraven II outside of The Parkers after being beaten up by MJ

    This story, where he throws himself off of THAT bridge after an ackward conversation, but spiritually cleansed from the last ten years worth of development.

    I really miss The Chamelion who was a straight forward criminal genius like he was in the 1960s-1990s, not some sick-minded date-raper sexually confused troll that he’s been ever since “Pursuit”..

  4. He didn’t mean that he was romantically in love with Peter. It was more like respect for how he led his life or something. Its explained in the two issues.

  5. @ Bertone:

    Was the Chameleon bisexual? (Tried to rape Mj and took Peter’s rejection hard enough to “kill” himself)
    I never really understood this story……..However I still thought it was a good one.

  6. Between this story and the Joe Kelly prom story, Webspinners was one of my favorites. It’s a pity it got the axe relatively quickly and is mostly forgotten …

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