A high point in Marv Wolfman’s run on Amazing. The 20oth issue featued Spider-Man confronting the Burglar who killed Uncle Ben, and this time he won’t let him get away.
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Spider-Memories #97
by Brad Douglas
Who knew Amazing Spider-Man # 246 would foreshadow the future. Thanks to our buddy Eddie DeAngelini who posted this on Facebook.
Spidey Memories#60
by Bertone
Some of you asked real nicely, so I present to you SPIDER-HULK! Want to see the full story? Check your back issue bins for “Web of Spider-Man” issue 70.
Spidey Memories#19
by Bertone
"Amazing Spider-Man" 258. Somewhere the Human Torch is laughing.
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This is still my favorite anniversary issue of all time. I had read Spider-Man on and off for a few years, but starting with #194 I started collecting every one. And yes, off a spinner rack at a convenience store! Issue #200 was a great finish to a storyline that started a couple years before with Len Wein. It was too bad that Marv’s run was so short. It was what got me hooked into ASM and I have fond memories of reading this story.
Marv Wolfman is one of the first real comic legends who found he wasnt tailor-made for Spidey, but at the same time, he wrote one of the best anniversary issues of all time, even if it sort of take a leaf out of Joey Chill’s demise from the Batman comics.
Another milestone here is this issue marked the first time Aunt May was brought back from the dead…and in a way that…made sense.
I walked to the grocery store every day for a week and a half waiting for that issue to come out. Still holds up after all these years.
Yeah definitely a classic moment.
Very remniscent of the Silver Age confrontation between Batman and Joe Chill
one of my favorite Spidey stories of all time, absolute classic…nice work Bertone…