Podcast 83-Spider-Panel Tackles Message Board Questions

podcast83In this episode we answer dozens of message board questions from the fans. Some of the highlight questions include if the internet has helped comic sales, what is the difference between Ben Reilly and Peter Parker, and why Venom is the only villain that has stuck around in the last 20 years.
To listen to the show hit the play button.

To download the mp3 directly click here.

To subscribe to the show on itunes click here.
Once you listen to the show please leave your thoughts on this thread on our message board.

I’ve put out a lot of episodes in the last month. If you missed any of the old episodes here are some links

Podcast 82: pt 2 of the Spectacular Spider-Man Interview of Greg Weisman & Josh Keaton

Podcast 81: The Podcast Remix Rap episode

Podcast 80: Pt 1 of the Spectacular Spider-Man Interview with Weisman and Keaton

Podcast 79: Spider-Panel September Edition

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1 Comment

  1. One of my best friends “liked” this article on facebook so I decided I’d check it out. I just did the same so i hope a lot more people will see it 🙂

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