New 3.5 inch Spider-Man toys

Sky_Speed_Spider-Man_01__scaled_600Venom_01__scaled_600Hasbro is continuing to release even more 3.5 inch Spider-Man toys. Marvelous News has a gallery of them all. I’m a fan of the taller Marvel Legends line, I wish they’d release more of those figures. Anyone collect these smaller figures?

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  1. Who’s that Venom supposed to be anyway? The picture had the Mac Gargan version, but the figurine looks more like Eddie Brock’s.

  2. Oh, come on! I’ve been waiting for a good 6 inch Venom for years, and now they make a good small one?!

  3. Its still strikes me as funny with all these Spidey figs. I tell my son that when I was growing up in the 80’s I remember for a time really wanting a Spidey figure. After Secret Wars, it was a couple years till Toy Biz came out with the Marvel figs following Burton’s Batman. It seems crazy to have wanted a Spidey when now the aisle is stuffed full of stuff.

  4. Yeah, I collect the smaller figs. Partly because they are cool, and partly because they take up less space.

  5. I like the G.I. Joe/ Star Wars scale. It reminds me of Mattel’s old “Secret Wars” line (never owned any myself but I had a friend who did, we’d have Dr. Doom using the old Death Star playset as a base of operations. ) It’s a good scale for vehicles and playsets. (Where’s my Spider-buggy?) Can’t justify the price however. (They’re even more expensive then Hasbro’s Star Wars stuff!)

  6. You know instead of making figures with random add-on we could get I dunno, maybe a Scarlet Spider, Iron Spidey, or a possibly even a Gwen or Mary Jane figure?

    Instead here’s Venom, Goblin, a randomly designed get-up, black suit, and 2-3 versions of the red and blues with new snap-on nonsense.

    Stop being so damn predictable toyline…

    None of these beat the Scuba Spidey from awhile back though…

  7. I was such a big fan of the Marvel Legends size figures. Toybiz really nailed them. Hasbro had some really good ones too, but now they make them so irregularly, which is wicked lame, but it works in my favor only cause this is a good time in my life to stop collecting toys.
    But overall, lame. DC finally stepped up their game to make matching quality figures too, but now theyll probably ditch that to make similar tiny figs.
    I’m not a big fan of Hasbros action figures, mostly cause my landlord’s a huge fan and I’ve seen how bad they rip him off.

  8. Whack $2 off the going price, and I MIGHT consider it… but $9 a figure?!?!? And I friggin’ HATE the Marvel Universe line!!!!

    I’d GLADLY pay $11-12 for a 6 inch Marvel Legends figure with great articulation, but I’m not paying for these midgets.

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