Guggenheim’s Last Arc


Newsarama has an interview up with Marc Guggenheim where he discusses his last arc, the upcoming “Who Was Ben Reilly”, which will be released tomorrow.

One interesting highlights in the interview is where Marc explains how the schedule works for the writers. “The thing about writing Spider-Man that’s different from writing a regular monthly book is that, even though my issues of Spider-Man don’t come out once a month, in order to meet the schedule, I have to produce a script once a month. And normally, that’s not a problem for me. But with Spider-Man, I have to not only write a script every month, but I have to read four other writers’ scripts and plots and outlines and lettering on top of everything else, in order to keep up and make sure my stuff is consistent with their stuff, and that I’m setting things up and teeing things off and that kind of thing. And there are email chains going on literally every day. So the problem was that was a job on top of a job, on top of my other jobs.”

Check out the full article here and a preview of tomorrow’s issue here or my write-up on it here. I’m already anticipating the usual problems so I will ask you all to please be respectful of Guggenheim as a person when you post a comment.

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  1. Read The Clone Saga if ya want that, it’s bound to be canocial in six months anyway

  2. See, I have waited so long for this and now, I can’t help but dread it. I sorry, I know it lacks creativity, but I just want Ben to pop up say he’s back, put on a blue hoody and head for new destination to fight crime.

  3. Clones are different from the real deal. They had the perfect oppertunity to reveal BND Peter is Ben after the gaff in the annual, but they won’t take it out of pride and stubborness.

  4. Kaine had 20 years of Peter’s experience, he’s not moral
    I will miss you Guggenheim, at leasst on this title
    Kelly should leave, not this guy

  5. during the clone saga ben had way more moral fiber than crazy “I’m the goddamn spiderman” peter lol

  6. Actually, the way I understood what he was trying to say wasn’t that Ben didn’t have a fully formed moral code ( even though he used those words), but rather, because we didn’t see him form it, and it takes place at a time when so much of the character’s history is hidden, it’s not out of the realm of POSSIBILITY that Ben COULD have done something wrong. Don’t forget, Peter entertained that very same notion during the clone saga when he was accused of the murder that Kaine had committed in Salt Lake City. He thought that Ben had done it until Ben switched places with him in prison. If Guggenheim wrote a story that had nothing to do with Ben, but showed Peter murdering someone, we would say ” Oh, that’s not Peter” because we know he would never do that. The fact that it’s Ben and it happened at a time in which we know nothing of his history, we’re supposed to look at this and say ” Oh, Ben would never do that… or would he?” That’s what Mark is trying to accomplish with this, not a- excuse the pun – character assassination.

  7. All we need is one person to say something slightly off and then someone else will point and say “SEE SEE CRAWLSPACE IS NO NEGATIVE AND PORNOGRAPHIC”

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