asm608_dc11_0001AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #608

Writer: Marc Guggenheim

Penciler: Marco Checchetto, Luke Ross and Rick Magyar

Inker: Marco Checchetto, Luke Ross and Rick Magyar

Story Title: “Who Was Ben Reilly Part One”


Flashbacks. Peter vs. Raptor. The Frontline offices see some drama. More flashbacks. Kaine. Spideydude is a happy camper.

The Commentary

Before I get into this review I want to make it absolutely clear that any commentary written here is mine and mine alone. It is my perception of the issue at hand. I realize there are some people that dug this issue and some of those people are friends of mine and I am by no means trying to insult anyone that is excited for this storyline. I like it when people are jazzed about the books they read. It means that someone is doing something right.


In all honesty I don’t have a whole lot to say about this issue. It wasn’t bad. I mean I’ve read some bad Spider-Man stories lately and this doesn’t even begin to compare to those, but at the same time I really didn’t care for Raptor’s introduction and the follow-up story doesn’t really have me going either.

I mean the guy’s name is Raptor.


Is it 1993? Did Jurassic Park just come out?


As much as I don’t particularly care for anything about this story I will say that this issue was well written. The flashbacks provided more pieces to the puzzle of who the heck Raptor is and how Ben Reilly fits into all of this. There was a definite old school Marvel mad scientist vibe going on here. Actually the flashbacks felt like some of the better episodes of the Incredible Hulk series from the late seventies and early eighties. Dr. Ryder has some issues and Guggenheim did some nice character work in those scenes.

Also the confrontation in the Frontline offices was kind of neat too. I liked the “dream sequence” Guggenheim used. It had me going there for a minute. It made for a dramatic and tense scene and I have to admit as I sit here writing about it I realize how much I enjoyed it.

Parting Thoughts

Despite liking those scenes I am still kind of “eh” about the story as a whole. I do not have a close personal connection to the Clone Saga like some of y’all do. That is not to say I don’t understand that sort of thing because I do. I can equate that sort of love and that “just plain looking forward to it” feeling to things in my own particular wheelhouse. I am just not feeling this one.

So it was good. Just not for me.

One final thing. I know this is something of an all-ages site but the Hostess ad reprinted in this issue is just plain wrong. There is seriously wrong something about seeing the words, “Spider-Man Spoils a Snatch” strung together.

It’s wrong I tell you. Wrong.

Maybe that’s my MJ made the deal with Mephisto.

Mystery solved.

2.5 out of 5 webheads.

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  1. @ Danish Web: like it or not, this is the continuity that we are stuck with right now. I don’t like it either, but I LOVED this story.

  2. Yes, Iron Lantern…they DO need to build up on past stories, such as MJ’s TRUE characterisation and TRUE love for Peter overcoming the pact with Mehpisto, Others would rather proper characterisation and continuity be followed up on than “new” stories with, as you say, ZERO drama, ZERO threat level, and ZERO appeal

    Until the REAL continuity is restored, until stupidity is no longer rewarded and the faux fans are driven out of power, then nothing in BND, whenever it’s using the past to blind nostalgic readers or otherwise, has ZERO ANYTHING.

  3. Scooter, they havent “built on the past” at all. This is an alternate timeline, it’s not the real continuity, no matter what Wacker deludes himself and other saps into thinking. Likewise, this isnt building on anything.

    Spider-Girl has built on past Spider-Man stories…yet that too is an alternate reality. So tell me, what makes BND so special in this catergory? For me, the only difference is “counting” this as 616, when no Spider-Man fan worth their salt would EVER consider this HORSECRAP to be in 616 continuity whatsoever, as it exists to be dismissed in the future by writers and fans raised in the late 80s and 90s who like the marraige. Name ONE thing that sticks out thus far in it other than a generic revenge motif which could fit ANY person for ANY reason? Where’s the hardcore drama? Where’s MJ coming to Peter’s aid? (and even with their current predicament, she wouldnt leave Peter in the lurch for any reason if she knew Raptor was after him, she’s his best friend). Where’s proper characterisation?

    REAL continuity-building would have been the member of Traveler’s host that Ben fought on the road when in exile (I forget his name), coming after Peter, or being tracked down and questioned by Kaine on certain things, or was present during the events of this story and somehow played a hand in it.

    All I see is a very stale, rudderless and generic Spider-Man story where some run-of-the-mill, unmemorable 90s “extreme” reject goes after Peter. This is a story ANY person can write.

    On the other side of the fence, the new Clone Saga mini-series is superior in that it’s set in the present day and flash-forwarding, allowing us to sort of imagine there’s been a good few months replacing all the nonsense happening here. If the price paid for good characterisation is a version of Kaine that’s a total docile lackey, then make mine Clone Saga.

    Don’t reward stupidity.

  4. I agree with both MB and Scooter, if that makes sense. On one hand I felt this issue had somewhat of an odd feel to it. The thought of “going back to the past” annoys me, since do they really need to add on to past stories; or is it just that they can’t make up new ones that have a “threat” feeling to them? But on the other hand, it IS good story.

    The cover bothers me though (the concept, not the art. I love me some Granov!). Raptor is supposed to be “after Ben, not Spidey” and they even specifically point that out. So why would he be maliciously ripping a picture of Spider-Man? (I get that Marvel’s “flagship title” should have the hero on the cover, but this doesn’t make sense! This isn’t a good jump-on point for people at all, so shouldn’t the cover apply to the story?) =/

  5. Oh, and I’d rather see a character named Raptor than Paperdoll, Freak, Screwball, or a new Vulture that spits fire out of his mouth, attacks for no rhyme or reason, then disappears not to be seen again.

  6. I can not disagree with this review more. Sorry Michael, but this was the best issue of Amazing that they’ve done since BND started. Instead of telling the same stories over and over and trying to imitate something that’s come before, they actually acknowledge past events, add to them, and push the story forward. They’ve actually built on the past instead of trying to relive it. This is the first time we’ve seen this in over 2 years. Personally I’d rather see more stories like this as opposed to Peter “speed dating” or fighting villains nobody ever heard of like the Blank.

  7. Great review! We’re on the same page with this arc MB. I ‘m not hating it. I’m not loving it. It just feels like a filler arc until ‘Gauntlet’ starts.

    And ‘Spider-man Spoils a Snatch’ was my favorite part of the book!!

  8. I’m glad somebody else decided to be the one who said “WTF is the big deal?” This isnt the usual Gunninghiem train-wreck, but Clone Saga fans REALLY overhyped and overrated this story, it’s not exciting, it’s not interesting, and it feels like a throwaway issue of Spider-Man Unlimited vol. 1

  9. I am positive that at the rate Peter is bedding women down left and right, an upcoming story will be titles “Spider-Man Spoils a Snatch”

    As for the review, I think that one reason people are more upbeat about this story is because it’s reflective of the past, a reminder of how Spider-Man once was before OMD. It is for me anyway.

  10. I nominate destroying Micahel Bailey for daring to speak his opinion on a title of which he is the offical reviewer. HOW DARE HE?!


    Good review man. “Spidey Spoils A Snatch” is redonkulous.

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