Wanted: Crawl Space Reviewer

I’m sad to announce that Crazy Chris has stepped down as a reviewer for the site. He’s got a lot on his plate as he enters law school. He’s been a great contributer and friend to the site.
However, that leaves a big spot left open in our reviewing of the books. Chris reviewed New Avengers and Dark Avengers. Please send me a sample review of one of the latest issues. Try to stick the current format, but the more creative the better. Also having the ability to work with word press is a plus. If you think you can review both books in a month’s time, let me know when you send it in.  Also the person will need the ability to stick to deadlines. Ideally I want the books posted within a week of when they go on sale.
Send in your samples as soon as possible.

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  1. Just when Thunderbolts was getting interesting… now I’ll never know what happened to Songbird and Black Widow…

  2. And the job has been filled. Patrick Brusnahan will be reviewing Dark and New Avengers.
    Thanks to all that sent in reviews.

  3. Thanks for all the support, everyone. And congratulations to Donomark for becoming the new Spec Spidey reviewer. He’s an excellent choice!

  4. Best of luck with your studies, Chris! I’m sure you’ll do really well. I’ll definitely miss your reviews too, btw.

  5. Donomark is the new reviewer of the Spec Spidey tv show. I’m still needing a reviewer of New and Dark Avengers.
    I’m going to dump the Thunderbolts reviews. Chris did a great job on them, however they really aren’t that Spidey centric.

  6. Brad, they’ve aired ALL the eps of the second season already in Canada, so if you need the right reviewer, I’M YOUR MAN!!!

  7. I hope there are a LOT more “Spectacular Spider-Man” episodes to review…c’mon, Marvel / Disney, do the right thing here….

  8. …Has ANYONE bothered to tell these morons that there’s already BEEN a story called “SpiderHunt” back in 1997 around when Norman Osborn resurfaced as a public figure?

  9. Hey Brad, I’m off to work for the day but I’ll send something tonight or in the morning. I figure I’m already on the front page so why not?

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