Spidey Revisions#3



This latest revision is from “Web of Spider-Man” issue 50. During this time period Peter and Mary Jane were living with Aunt May and her boarders. It’s a good thing Aunt May is so liberal.

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  1. Well the Dan Slott thing is determined by IP addresses whichwe can see when you leave a comment.

    oh and we broke 50 comments. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that done on the front page (somebody correct me if I’m wrong)

  2. Iron Lantern/Dan Slott–the real Dan Slott has posted on the messageboard, and the one on the comments sounded a lot like him.

  3. Ok, that being said,

    1)how do we know Dan Slott actually was on here? (I’m 100% not disbelieving Mr. Slott was actually on here, just trying to prove a point).

    2) Is “bob” somebody (maybe banned?) else that just wants to cause trouble?

    3) Will Timmy be saved by Lassie in time for dinner? Tune in next week to find out!

  4. This is Iron Lantern, I’m just testing a thought, I don’t mean to spam or actually impersonate somebody.

  5. What Brad said. The response on this is amazing! I’m waiting for a few other message boards to pick it up (which I have no doubt we will). I’ve already seen this stuff reposted on a livejournal community.

  6. Wow, thanks to everyone for defending me on this thread.

    Bob-I get that you don’t like the new feature. You don’t have to keep repeating this point. There are other features on the site that I’m sure you can enjoy. There is the “Spider-Memories” the “Spider-Captions” “Spidey Daily” the reviews, “Weird Marvel Collectibles” etc. I can see your point about how the revisions segment can be seen as anti-BND. However, I think they’re funny and I’m pro-BND! If they weren’t funny I wouldn’t have agreed to have Bertone putting them on the main page.
    I think your shackles are up because Dan Slott has called the site anti-BND. He’s been on the site for about a year, I’ve been here since day 1. The goal of the site is to bring as many spider-fans together to have a good time. Sure, we’re not going to agree but bottom line I want people to laugh and escape their daily lives and talk about our favorite hero.
    And if this segment has proved anything, it’s that people are talking which is my main goal. I can’t remember the last time a feature on the main page had 43 comments. So we must be doing something right.

  7. You’re pretty much the loud minority right now. Why should we give you validation for your hate of this comic?

  8. Bob, I have a question for you. Since the Designated Hitter was established in 1973, do you write in and complain to ESPN everytime an announcer (or former player) states the DH rule should be abolished since it is not “true baseball”? Clearly it is the same argument over and over, but I don’t see the disagreement dying out anytime soon. From my point of view, if you don’t agree with a situation you have the right to object to it, no matter how long it has been “out there”.

    Bertone, keep them up. They are very funny…I’ll see if I can add to this collection.

  9. it’s very simple. this feature is designed to poke fun as a retcon that is at best considered unpopular. now, if you are happy with the status quo. why would you need or want to poke fun? if all you want to do is come on here for news or reviews, why should you have to see this? put it in it’s own thread and stop giving the loud minority validation for their hate. spidey dude, please explain how I was being an ass hat, i have no idea where you’re coming from?

  10. First of all thank you Kevin for the whole “one of our biggest and best front page contributers” comment. I should probably listen to you and leave Bob alone, but alas I do have one (hopefully) last statement to throw in..

    “The site is spider-Man crawlspace, not http://www.wehateASM.com.”

    Where in the body of these posts HAS ANYTHING negative been said about ASM?

    “If people want to vent, there are numerous threads they can do so in, mainly in delta and the dance off topics.”

    Where is the venting? Are we seeing the same posts?

    “I have no need to read the endless identical arguments that have raged for two frickin’ years. I’ve heard all the arguments sooo many times, and choose not to participate in the above threads.”

    Where are the arguments???? The only thing that comes close is the “everything happened the same argument”

    ” ( which just seems like an excuse for the usual suspects to engage in another tired round of kick-the-spider ) on the front page on less! ”

    So Dan Slott plays kick-the-spider?

    I’m not getting on your for disagreeing. Honestly if all you said was that these weren’t amusing and you didn’t like them that would be all fine, fair and dandy. It’s your arguments that have me baffled.

  11. Look, you were being an asshat. No bones about it. When the damn WRITER OF AMAZING SPIDER-MAN comes on here and says its funny. You’re the ONLY ONE complaining.

  12. Your arrogance amazes me. You tell everyone to ignore me because I have a different opinion? unbelievable.so much for a fair and balanced site. comparing this feature to reviews is comparing apples to oranges. as has been said, this features point is to poke fun at a retcon, the same cannot be said for the reviews, regardless who writes them, be they crazy chris or michael bailey. lastly, can you explain exactly how I was harsh? I have respect for Brad and this site, and an curious how you think I insulted him.

  13. Of course Brad can put on what if wants on here, but I would disagree this is only a fan site. By all means carry on as you are, but you have to wonder about the fact that it is mainly deltas commenting on this feature, and the sudden exodus of pro posters on here. Currently this site has a frat like mentality, and it saddens me.

  14. Notice we were all being positive about how funny we thought this was and what a great job Bertone did until someone accused us of being negative? Just saying…

  15. Bob – how does Brad have a duty to keep the Crawlspace “appropriate for kids” when ASM itself (and most of mainstream Marvel) is no longer appropriate for kids? Answer: He doesn’t. It’s his site. He’s got a duty to do whatever the Hell he wants with it.

    The main page isn’t negative. It’s routinely got reviews on it that are warm to the new Brandnewverse direction. Both positive and negative opinions are represented on the main page.

    The Spidey Revisions are humor, which everyone’s enjoying and “getting” except you. If it bothers you that much you don’t have to click on the pictures. You are choosing to do so.

  16. This is primarily a fan site. It’s not affiliated with anyone at Marvel. So I don’t see why they have to completely neutral all the time. But I don’t see what the problem is with this particular webcomic–even some Zeta House Members have said they enjoyed it, and Dan Slott wasn’t bothered at all. So far you’re the only one upset.

    As for being inappropriate for the young ‘uns, have you read ASM lately?

  17. “So” as one of the biggest and most visited spider sites, I would argue that brad has a duty to ensure that it is not only appropriate for kids, but that it also is objectional in its viewpoints. The site is spider-Man crawlspace, not http://www.wehateASM.com. If people want to vent, there are numerous threads they can do so in, mainly in delta and the dance off topics. Both of which I choose not to read, as I have no need to read the endless identical arguments that have raged for two frickin’ years. I’ve heard all the arguments sooo many times, and choose not to participate in the above threads. Imagine my dismay upon coming across this new feature ( which just seems like an excuse for the usual suspects to engage in another tired round of kick-the-spider ) on the front page on less! so now having chosen to ignore the hate and the arguments, there this is, right on the front page! nice one. Oh, and I’m sorry if you disagree with this, but I hope that you wouldn’t object to my saying it.

  18. “hang on, so because I don’t like these, and don’t find them funny, I’m being negative?”

    Pretty much.

    “it sends a clear message as to where your opinion lies”


  19. “hang on, so because I don’t like these, and don’t find them funny, I’m being negative? ”

    And because we like them and are enjoying them we are?

  20. hang on, so because I don’t like these, and don’t find them funny, I’m being negative? I don’t give a monkeys about the content of the strip, it’s the mentality behind the idea that I question. When content like this is shown on the front page of arguably the biggest spidey site on the web, it sends a clear message as to where your opinion lies. I have no problem with people venting on the message board in relevant threads, but putting this on the front page is not the same thing. Quite honestly, it irks me. Sometimes I’m ashamed to be a Spider-Man fan.

  21. “yeah, I’d say complaining about the same thing for 2 years is a good reason.”

    I don’t see any complaining in ANY of these revisions. I’ve compained but have done it elsewhere. These revisions are not the place for it and I’ve knew that going in.

    It’s something to be enjoyed by Spider-Fans both pro-BND and anti-BND. As I said before even Dan Slott seems to approve so if he (one of the key writers of BND) isn’t offended or bothered then why are you?

  22. LOL the original one is more disturbing. I’ve never before seen Peter and MJ hitting it, so to see Peter’s pissed off expression mid-….coitus is pretty jarring.

  23. Bob – the only one I see being negative about these is you. Everyone else, on both sides of the reboot fence, have been enjoying this whimsical look at how things couldn’t possibly be the same anymore no matter how much Marvel insists “everything still happened.”

  24. bob, I will not pretend to approve of Brand New Deja Vu simply because you are being annoyed by my dissent. If you don’t agree with our position on Brand New Deja Vu and don’t find this funny, then leave us anti-BND fans alone. Telling us to shut up is counterproductive to the very point of having websites like these in the first place, which is to be a place for fans to express their relevant opinions. Brand New Day is still going on and is thus a very relevant topic to voice our opinions on, whether they be positive or negative. If you don’t like us complaining about BND and don’t find this funny, then go away and leave us alone.

  25. Love these Bertone! Keep it up!
    And if Spidey fans have a negative reputation, maybe there is a good reason for it!

  26. You could have put “living in sin” in there if you wanted to. It makes that door “thud” a little harder with a disgusted Aunt May walking out. And it fits BND Peter better. LOL!

  27. …and then came 24/7 !!!

    That was good.
    It’s great to see some nice and funny moments from the old time in contrast with the way things are now.

    @ Spider-Girl
    Same here…

  28. I’ll stop complaining when the marriage is brought back.

    These are hilarious Berone. I hope you plan to do this for a long time.

  29. I don’t see ANYTHING negative at all Bob. All I see is humor. Even Dan Slott said he thought these were funny. Notice that NONE OF THESE POSTS have anything negative to say about the current stories. It’s just poking fun at a retcon.

  30. I still say this is rubbing salt in the wound. all this does is reinforce the already negative reputation that Spider_Man fans have.

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