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Spider-Captions # 72

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Spidey Revisions#3

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  1. Spider-Girl: It *does* look like a large cat, although I think the angle makes it seem bigger than it is.

  2. I swear to Atlas if that’s “Miley” Cirus on the cover on the mag next to “her” this picture loses all credibility…

  3. “Wow, I can really relate to this Ben Reilly guy! He’s cool! He’s single! He’s broke! I can totally relate! I will continue to buy this magazine as long as he’s around!!!!”

  4. @Spider-Girl- if I’m not mistaken, the thing on the bottom right is the rear end and tail of a cat. It’s at an odd angle (diagonal angle), but that’s what it looks like to me.

  5. It seems like the photographer brought the saturation down on that image so it would have a more “weathered” appearance. It is a good composition except for that fuzzy thing on the bottom right…what is that?

  6. I cant believe I was able to fit a Playgirl inside this comic, and it is the George Costanza issue to boot.

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