Podcast 79 Online

podcast79In this episode the Spider-Panel reviews Amazing Spider-Man #601-603 and discusses if Michelle Gonzalez was raped by the Chameleon. For “This Month in Spider-History” we go back to September 1987. We also have a good discussion about Disney buying Marvel and the future of our favorite character. And if for no other reason, you’ll want to hear Spider-Girl rap her birthday wishes to Kevin.

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  1. Hi all, – stumbled on your current site accidentally while wandering round the internet this evening, and glad that i did! I like the design and colours, but I really should say that I’m having issues when it loads. I’m using ELinks 0.10 internet browser for mac, and the menu bit won’t lineup nicely. i’m sure made use of a matching layout on a customer’s website, but the menu seems Ok on mine. I have an idea the error is with my outdated browser & perhaps today’s the day to switch!

  2. Best…Birthday rap….ever. Way to go Stella. You actually surpassed Mike. I’m impressed. *claps* =)

  3. *If I was in the shoes of one of you hearing the Disney song start I’d go ‘HUH’?
    *Stella= Baba-Moose? She raps? I never knew her anyway, why surprised? This name will stay in the memory until I suddenly flush it down the drain, but a second ‘HUH’ from me on that note.
    *You guys, that hurt 😛
    *Is it wrong to say that line by Peter to Betty?
    *-D = F, or do you have it really but you say ‘F’ in a garnished way?
    *You can’t just decide if someone is good on a whole line for being stunning in just 5-6 pages

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