ASM606_cov_largeAMAZING SPIDER-MAN # 606

Writer: Joe Kelly

Penciler: Mike McKone

Inker: Andy Lanning

Story Title: “Long Term Arrangement”


Madame Web imprisoned. Michelle and Norah and Peter and M.J. The Black Cat returns. Public display of affection.

The Commentary

This issue did little to make me feel better about this title.

I was pretty hard on the epilogue to “Red Headed Stranger” in my last review and I thought after reading that issue that I would pick up the next one and enjoy the heck out of it because that seems to be how things go for me and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. Hot and cold. Like and dislike. A constant roller coaster ride of a book that makes me want to take some Dramamine before reading a few issues in a row.

While I did enjoy the back half of the book the first few pages just annoyed me to no end. The Madame Web page was fine. I haven’t seen enough of this sub-plot to care but the further adventures of Peter and Michelle nearly had me throwing the book across the room. Is cramming Peter’s stuff down the garbage disposal supposed to be funny and make her an interesting character? I mean is that it? Because to me it makes her look like the crazy, violent, vindictive witch that we saw last issue and I don’t know how much longer I can take her as a character before giving up.

Actually I probably won’t give up, but still.

So not only does Joe Kelly continue with making Michelle an unbalanced, crazy person but also manages to take Norah down a few pegs as well, which annoys me because I was just getting to like her. The whole scene played into my theory that the demographic the current Spider-regime is going for is young guys and gals that would watch the CW every night. There is nothing wrong with people liking these shows and there is nothing wrong if someone thinks that this is the sort of characterization we should see in a Spider-Man story, but to me it just doesn’t scan. It was a dumb scene that was supposed to be played for laughs but ended up making everyone in the scene, including M.J., look stupid and childish.

The rest of the issue was decent enough. I like the Black Cat as a character and having her back in the series does present some interesting character and dramatic conflicts. I am not entirely sold on the way she was brought in or if this current story is going to be any good but the dialogue and action made for a brisk read, unlike last week when the book was harder to get through than GREAT EXPECTATIONS.

I hated that book.

The humor picked up a bit later in the book as well and the running gag of the scared mugger did make me chuckle a bit. I will even buy that Peter would be all about making out with Felicia at the end of the issue because of how crappy his life is at the moment. There are those times where things are going bad and you just give in to that one thing you know is not at all good for you.

Parting Thoughts

It was kind of a mixed bag this time out. I started the issue madder than hell and ended up enjoying it despite myself. The art by McKone and Lanning was spectacular and they made good use of big panels and two page spreads. I am very cautious about this story because I got so burned on the last one and for now I am on a wait and see approach to the title.

I really hate the way these writers are dealing with Michelle.

Sorry, had to say it again. I feel much better now.

2.5 out of 5 webheads.

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  2. Mr. Bailey, keep up the good work. I sense you are starting to lose some patience with the spotlight being so heavily shown on Peter’s personal life. Although Peter’s personal life has historically been interesting, this situation seems more like an anchor that is weighing down the title, even for someone like yourself that is genuinely trying to enjoy the series.

    What is interesting is I found the main plot of #602-604 to be pretty good and a nice revamp of the Chameleon, especially after the shabby treatment of him in #583. However, it was the personal life sub-plots starting in #601 and how poorly it was eventually portrayed in #605 that made made me consider dropping the book again. #606 confirmed it for me and your review does not compel me to pick up this title again until it improves. All the posts over the past few months stating “this story could have been told with a married Spider-Man” has been thrown back at pro-marriage fans in spades with this issue. Clearly Marvel is solidifying a new Spider-Man\Peter Parker image that is “hip” by having drunken hookups and encounters with old flames “with benefits”. For someone that is not prudish in any fashion, (and knows full well old flames with benefits has several drawbacks involved…), I find this whole situation to be a poorly written daytime soap, an old episode of Three’s Company or a poorly written comic.

    I hope there is somehow a point, a lesson or something of substance to all of this nonsense. However, I get the feeling it is more about cementing a single status, and nothing more.

    Keep up the good work Michael on expressing your opinion…

  3. I liked this comic actually. I hated the beginning but it picked up near the end for me.
    I’d honestly give it a B -. Peter’s social life aside…I thought it was ok for a BND issue.

    They really need to just reverse this thing. It’s just not worth it.

  4. The sad part is… THIS represents what we gave up 10 years of continuity for… you know… the continuity they say still happened, but they’re still ignoring.

  5. Not a BND fan, hated the last Chameleon story and the issue before this one was pointless fluff. However, I liked this issue a lot because of Joe Kelly’s clever use of dialog. Don’t care about Michelle or any females in this book that are not named Betty, Liz, Glory, Mary Jane or Felicia. Good to have Black Cat back.

  6. Why not have someone else review this, since MB reviews on the podcast anyway? (stated in a very light and pleasant tone)

  7. Gee, I wonder if this’ll get to the point where we lose another reviewer because he doesn’t want to read the book anymore.

  8. Your description of Michelle turning into a crazed psycho reminds me of what the writers did to the Black Cat, when Peter broke up with her (back in her non-superpowered days).

  9. He did it… he actually did it… he actually broke them up just to throw Black Cat at him…

    Now I’m REALLY starting to hate Quesada.

  10. Wow re reading my comment I come off as really angry but I’m not angry just dissapointed by bad characterzation that comes off as almost racist I know a standing arguement is comic writers can’t write women it seems that they also need to get a handle on Hispanics. I’m not asking for 100% accuracy but I don’t like the negative portrayals either it’s just really hard to read.

  11. Mb I want to say the only reason this issue was worth reading was to read ur great review. Outside that this issue just sucked monkey balls the only thing it did for me was clarify that vin and Michelle are indeed puerto rican which is cool cuz my race is finally reflected in the pages of a comic book but both of the characters are bad portrayals of puerto rican Michelle just adds water to the stereotype that Hispanic women are angry phycopath and vin is a criminal inhis own right so thanks brain trust you have shown my race in a very negative light but what can I say this was Joe Kelly and what can I really expect of his writing. Outside that I found this issue to be utterly boring I put it down three or four times oh man and let’s thank Joe Kelly once more for a racist version of Norah who tossed out the worse rice and bean joke ever written this is definately an f issue I don’t even care how it’s resolved I’m not picking the book up until Joe Kelly’s run is over I can’t read the drivel. u know what really sucks the most about this issue it has an amazing cover it is one of the best covers of this yr and it’s wasted on this Joe Kelly toilet paper. I’m rambling so I’m gonna shut up now mr Bailey great review as usual.

  12. I am not sure if the above comments were intended to refer to my comments on Michael’s previous review, although I suspect so.

    I don’t seen anything terribly wrong with this review of Amazing Spider-Man #606. I am not out to be negative. In particular, I agree with Michael that Michelle is being portrayed unrealistically and as more of a caricature than a character. Shoving Peter’s things down the garbage disposal was ridiculous and it is hard to imagine someone doing that. I groaned when I got to that point in the comic. I imagine that the scene was intended to be taken in a lighthearted or comedic way. I did laugh when Nora stormed into Peter’s room and slammed the door. It was silly but I thought it was kind of funny too. More of the Parker luck with the ladies.

    I also agree with Michael that it was nice to have Black Cat back, although there seems to be a fair bit of disagreement on that point on the message board stemming from the perceived changes in her character in the BND continuity.

  13. I’m gonna review your comment.

    “Let me make a point”

    Why should I let you? Who do you think you are? What gives you the right?

    “by point reply to say what is wrong”

    So you’re gonna pick apart a review and what is “WRONG” with it when you could be pointing out all that’s wrong with the world. Great way to spend your time a-whipe. And who made you the one who should determine what’s wrong? We have judges and juries for this.

    “with this review……ok. nothing is wrong with this review because it was done correctly.”

    And everything is wrong with this comment because it was done incorrectly.

  14. Let me make a point by point reply to say what is wrong with this review……ok. nothing is wrong with this review because it was done correctly.

  15. OMG this sucks….this is the most negative spider-man site ever…..

    Ok now that is all out of the way, lets move on.

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