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Spider-Man 1967 Episode 21

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  1. Yeah but at that point was Wolverine like “Oh so THAT’S why Aunt May and Mary Jane were there… !” Did none of the ‘New Avengers’ wonder about that before?

  2. Berryman – I am pretty sure Spidey revealed his identity yet again to the Avengers, so this is kinda moot.

  3. Okay someone help me out with this.

    Since “everything still happened” post OMD… yet Wolverine doesn’t know who Spider-Man is… would he even wonder why Aunt May & Mary Jane were there? Or would he know? Or not know? Or what?

  4. I loved that. It was a time I care about Aunt May the character, but I just want her gone now.

  5. They really made Aunt May a tough cookie back in the early 2000’s. Wish she was more like in this Brand New Day.

  6. I’m surprised she didn’t stub it out on his chest….all that hair would’ve definitely tested the ol’ healing factor.

  7. I really enjoyed this story arc.
    I liked Aunt May back when she knew Peter’s secret. JMS gave meaning to a character that was boring since the early 90’s.

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