It’s sad that this 1982 commerical had a better Green Goblin costume than the 2002 movie.
Brad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
This cracked me up. Check out the link. Brent Cross Shopping Centre manager totally photobombed by small child — David Hooper (@hoopdogg) December 26, 2015
I review Champions #6 (Even though I accidently say 5 until I realize it). I enjoy the issue’s use of character story with Miles, Viv, Hulk and Ms. Marvel. However, I the introduction of […]
dude, that was amazing! the backdrop and city smoke etc looked so awesome!
Gold. Absolute gold.
If I was the Green Goblin, that’s how I’d want to look.
Frickin’ Gold.
“Is this even more action than spider-man can handle!”
That is a pretty bad-ass Green Goblin mask. Beats the bejeezus out of the 2002 mask. I didn’t think it was posible to get a mask’s mouth to move like that without looking to fake or horrible. I’d like to see filmmakers put a similar mask on Hobgoblin if he ever makes a theatrical appearance.
I actually still have that game. Back then, I’d spend hours playing it. It was my favorite Atari game.
Parker Bros. Is really Peter and Ben in the MU. 😛
Hm… Peter Parker, Parker Bros. Coincidence? I think not!
“You’re running out of fluiiiiiid!” Yeah well you’re running out of screen tiiiiiiimmme! (Thank God) ANd where were the wisecracks from Parker?!
Norman must be high on something besides Goblin formula. He just jumped off of a skyscraper without a glider. “Whoo hooo hoooooo!” You just let him win, moron. Please God don’t let this be the way Dark Reign will end. Though it would be kind of funny.
Holy crap, that’s awesome! I’ve been looking for that commercial online forever. Great find, thanks!
Sweet Spidey costume! That ad takes me back….
Oh dear lord
That is AWESOME!