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Spidey Memories#8

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  1. Even Aunt May gettin it on with JJJ (SR) could have still been done with the JMS status quo. Probably better!

    I wasn’t too happy when i was on the john reading that part.
    But I sure would have lol’d if Peter swung into his aunts home as Spidey, heard the noises and busted in dressed as Spider-man. (Aunt May would have known why Spidey would have done that. But what about Old man JJJ?)

    Just think of the possible subplots that could have created!
    Having old man JJJ offed by a heart attack and Aunt May “murderer” sure would have been different than anything we’ve seen done with the character so far.

  2. @ Matt Bryd (I’m not ranting at you. lol)

    Quesada says Spidey was broken once he was married.
    I don’t see how this is the case…wasn’t he broken when Stan Lee wrote him as a college student?
    How about when Roger Stern wrote him as a bachelor? Should JMS not have written him as a teacher??

    My point is this is a constantly evolving character. All those things progress Peter’s story line. Now we have bachelor Peter again which is wrong.
    The real question is….is marvel really running out of ideas??

    I understand in hollywood its more difficult to write a married character than it is a single character….If your not relying on problems between the two individuals it becomes stale.
    But from my understanding…their just retreading ground here. They already married the two off….she’s the girl in the movies. She’s the one you automatically think of when you say spidey. (same as Lois Lane)
    No girl will ever compare to her at this point and I believe they realize this. ( Unless they bring Gwen back…I just don’t see it.)

    My personal opinion that the choice to break them up in the first place was VERY ignorant and needless. I think they see more possibilities in Peter mixing it up with different female types and living with different roommates. Those are the only possible spidey stories they can’t write with a married Peter.

  3. It’s sad that Marvel’s going to just JERK US SPIDER-FANS, with a wedding that’s going to last what?, maybe till end of the issue itself & have Spider-Man some how have to be the one who has to be the reason that person or couple can’t enjoy a happy ending either, because how the know Spider-Man in some way or other?, I just follow the newspaper comic strip now for to explaining a story change through a dream is ever so much easier than fixing something that wasn’t broke in the first place Queasda I know your NOT LISTENING but I feel this needs to be said even if TRUTH or not, but for now in my heart it is sadly the TRUTH. YOU JOEY QUEASDA BROKE A ICONIC SUPERHERO TO WHERE NO ONE CAN FIX HIM AFTER YOU LEAVE MARVEL COMICS ALONG WITH THE WHOLE MARVEL UNIVERSE PERIOD, WHAT WITH EVERY, I DO MEAN EVERY MARVEL COMIC BOOK NUMBING INTO THE 600’S WHEN SOME SHOULD BE A LOT FARTHER THAN THAT IN THEIR INITIAL RUNS BY NOW.

  4. It’s sad that Marvel’s going to just JERK US SPIDER-FANS, with a wedding that’s going to last what?, maybe till end of the issue itself & have Spider-Man some how have to be the one who has to be the reason that person or couple can’t enjoy a happy ending either, because how the know Spider-Man in some way or other?, I just follow the newspaper comic strip now for to explaining a story change through a dream is ever so much easier than fixing something that wasn’t broke in the first place Queasda I know your NOT LISTENING but I feel this needs to be said even if TRUTH or not, but for now in my heart it is sadly the TRUTH. YOU JOEY QUEASDA BROKE A ICONIC SUPERHERO TO WHERE NO ONE CAN FIX HIM AFTER YOU LEAVE MARVEL COMICS ALONG WITH THE WHOLE MARVEL UNIVERSE PERIOD, WHAT WITH EVERY, I DO MEAN EVERY MARVEL COMIC BOOK NUMBING INTO THE 600’S WHEN SOME SHOULD BE A LOT FARTHER THAN THAT IN THEIR INITIAL RUNS BY NOW

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