I think this iconic image speaks for itself.
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Spidey Memories#25
by Bertone
Spectacular Spider-Man issue 123. Pay no attention to Felicia’s costume…it was the 80’s and we all made some fashion mistakes. Lots of people forget this storyline by Peter David. Felicia went through some character development and […]
Spidey Memories#86
by Bertone
Just for fun, let’s look at “Spectacular Spider-Man” annual 12. Tom Brevoort did a feature called “10 Most Embarassing Moments”. Who wants to do a countdown?
Spidey Memories#1
by Bertone
I’d like to introduce a new section to the front-page called “Spidey Memories”. It’s quite simple, post a panel, page or single scene from Spidey’s history and let the memories run wild. I’ll start… Remember […]
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Aaaahhh! Zombie spider! Hit it! Hit it!
Kraven’s Last Hunt, a.k.a. Fearful Symmetry. This is from chapter 4, an issue of Web of Spider-Man. It’s the first time I can remember a story going through all 3 Spidey titles. A big event then, pretty commonplace today.
I’m new at this. What is this image from?
This storyline was so momentous for me. I was 10 years old and had never read anything like it. I got part 3 first and it was raining as hard as it was in the book. Somehow, every time I picked up a new chapter (save 1) it was pouring hard. It set the perfect mood. I have both the trade, the actual issues, and the hardcover. Definitely one of my top 5 Spidey stories!
Very iconic image … assuming it still happened. This was directly after their honeymoon, after all. If they broke up after not getting married, the emotional tie of this story went down the crapper. 😉
The HC is humongous, like $50 and 300+ pages! Totally worth it though!
I gotta find this in trade paperback.
Here lies: Spider-man.
Slain by: The Hu.
-No, THE Hu.
-A band killed Spider-Man?
-Not the “WHO”, the “HU”.
-Wait…if HU killed Spidey…then HE must be on first!
One of the best Spidey images ever.