Thanks Aunt May for embarassing Peter in front of his girlfriend. Why don’t you tell Betty about the time Peter wet the bed? Betty makes the excuse to get away, look what you did! Aunt May’s social graces can be found in Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1.
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Spidey Memories#9
by Bertone
I think this iconic image speaks for itself.
Spidey Memories#40
by Bertone
From "Spectacular Spider-Man" 199. Harry has just been released from the Vault. It’s amazing how much emotion Sal Buscema put into each person’s face. From Liz’s denial, Harry’s evil smugness, Mary Jane’s anger and Normie being…Normie.
Spidey Memories#81
by Bertone
This is from the classic “Spectacular Spider-Man” issue 250. Great story…too bad this scan has a massive continuity error. Crawlspace No-Prize for the first fella who spots it!
Recent Comments
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