From “Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man issue 24”. Ironically, even with the sliding timescale it works. We could just assume Harry and Flash were being jerks by dressing Pete in an outfit thirty years out of style.
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Hmmm…I wonder if Tobey Maguire read this issue because I’m curious as to whether this gave him the inspiration for those oscar-winning pelvic thrusts in Spider-Man 3.
Somebody brought it up then we were just making some OMD/BND jokes.
Im confused about this leg thing? Are you guys talking about that issue from last year?
Response to Bertone. HAHAHA! Gives thumbs up.
All the stories with Flash’s legs still happened they just happened to a Flash without legs. People remember somebody with legs they just can’t quite make out his face.
He had legs at the time, he just doesn’t remember them now.
Now is this before or after Flash lost his legs…?
if he was wearing this, the dance number in Spider-Man 3 would have made sense… wouldn’t have saved the movie, we can’t work miracles here…
Harry is looking rather Reggie Mantle-ish here.
I hope whoever drew this got royalties from Spider-Man 3.