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  1. Norman?Did you see twilight last night?I know Robert Pattinson is dreamy.

    This is what happens in the federal Super villian prison….sparkling vampires.Don’t let it happen to you.

  2. Iron Lantern: Maybe it was Doc Ock behind of the wheel of the car that kept hitting Electro’s son. Now we know why!

  3. Mike Bailey for the epic win.

    Although… I had to do a Google search for Jonas Brothers. My first thought was Jonas Harrow (and some unintroduced sibling).

  4. Dear Diary,
    I think Stunner was trying to make me jealous today. She kept gushing over that Hammerhead ruffian. Well, I have news for her……I asked May Parker to the Prom!!!

  5. Uhm….wow. I’d say “always the quiet ones” but Otto’s usually loud and pompostuous. This explains a lot.

  6. Ock: Yes, Adrian… I KNOW!!! He’s such a jerk-face! Thinks he’s so much better than anyone else just because he can stick to walls! Total… loser…

  7. “Dear Diary, today May accidentially brushed her hand against mine. How do I tell her about the firey passion burning within me”

  8. Dear Diary,

    Saw TWILIGHT again today. I love that movie. It made me want to read the books again. Some people say reading that series fifty times in a row is too much but I so relate to those characters. Wrote another e-mail to all of the Jonas Brothers and was informed once again that the restraining order does extend to e-mails, so I guess I will have to smash those who get in my way. Gotta go. The new Hannah Montana CD came and I just have to listen to it.


    Docy Ocky

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