Could it be?


This image has shown up at Superpouvoir with the following solicitation,

Penciled by TODD NAUCK
You’ve been asking for it…and now it’s here: THE CLONE SAGA!!! Marvel’s most controversial event of all time returns with a vengeance, presenting the Clone Saga as it was originally intended to be told! From the minds behind the crossover that changed comics forever and the artist that introduced Spider-Man to President Obama, it’s six issues of twists and turns that will shock fans old and new alike! Be here as Peter Parker’s worst nightmare begins again…now with an ending you have to see to believe!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99

I can’t find anything on Marvel’s website, Newsarama or Comic Book Resources. This could just be a photoshop or another gag, but with the current Clone Saga hints we’ve been getting you never know. it seems real enough that I thought it should be brought to our attention. I’ll update if we get a confirmation or denial.

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  1. The… the clone saga might be back? I think I hear angels singing praises of holy joy! Wait, Mackie is writing it? Crap, all the angels died….

  2. Why? What, you some authority on the Clone Saga or something?

    …… waitaminute…

  3. …. and the “reboot” is the reason I’m not fond of Mackie, Brad. I didn’t say anything about hating the guy!

    Now that I think about it, I could probably stomach his stuff more than I could OMD.

  4. I said it before and I’ll say it again…Mackie was a great writer. *Until the reboot of course*

    I would love him in a crawlspace podcast….even if he were to appear by himself.

  5. I was never turned off by the original Clone Saga. It happened during my comic book hiatus during my High school and college years.

  6. I’m all about the mini-series.
    Also please no personal attacks of the creators.

    FYI: I just sent an interview request to both Howard Mackie and Tom DeFalco to be on the July show.

  7. I was thinking this is going to be a retelling of how the saga fits into BND (like Cpt Cheesecake’s thought). The “alternate ending” makes me think this more….So apparently “how it was meant to be” means a watered down, not-even-close to as good as the original story.

  8. Hmmm I was just thinking wait so the original clone saga was only meant to be told in 6 issues as opposed to a bazillion ones over a few years?

  9. So does this mean we have a married Peter and MJ again? At least for this mini-series? If so, I’ll probably pick it up.

  10. If they bring ben back and give him his on solo book again…I will be eternally grateful and will buy every issue. Even if it’s written by Terry Kavanaugh.
    I’ll be crying in the showers often…but I need my spidey fix somehow…and I refuse to support Brand New Day.

    If they get away with this travesty, they’ll likely do it again. =(

  11. I’d really love to pick this up.
    Seeing Mackie’s name on it makes me skeptical though…

    I wonder what happened to him in the 90s?? He used to be a great writer before they rebooted Spidey….heh kind of reminds me to whats happening to all the great writers of the brain trust now. =)

  12. I’m skeptical.

    Very, very skeptical. I have to wait and get more information about this before I make a comment…

  13. Everything’s a bloody “What If” these days.

    If it leads into a Mackie-written Ben Reily title…ooooh dear…but all in all I’m expecting a good yarn told in less months than it took years.

  14. If it is a What If story, it’ll be an easy pass. Never cared for those. Oh, I can’t WAIT to see what Spideydude thinks of this…

  15. wow. it sounds awesome……but I’m not gonna get excited until its confirmed.

  16. Here’s that list of “original intentions”

    -Ben as Spidey for a year
    -Aunt May permanently dead
    -Ben and Peter became partners
    -Harry Osborn was Gaunt. Norman never came back
    -Ben and Peter become occasional partners.
    -Peter remains the happily married father of Mayday with MJ, no miscarraige
    -Ben gets his own title, joins The New Warriors

  17. Looks like a What If? story as in what if marketing wasn’t given all the power in the marvel world to dictate stories.

  18. It’s not all that far-fetched to think someone as creativly burnt out as Howard Mackie could return to Marvel. I know a guy who was burt out from around the same year Mackie left who was working on a kids show, and he recently came back to executive produce for the first time in his career!

    Tom co-writing also lends one to think he reached out to Howard for this, and he has his plate full with Spider-Girl….there’s definatly something going on. Someone on CBR argued this was just an “X-Men Forever”-type deal, which, if it were, Tom could apply this to MC2 and spin Ben off with a fresh title written by Mackie for Marvel’s online digital content.

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