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Spider-Captions #50

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  1. I used to wonder why the warden permitted the criminals to wear their uniforms in their cell. The Scorpion was a perfect example.
    The warden in this episode bears a remarkably strong resemblance to Mean Gene Okerlund.
    There’s an awesome review of this episode on

    My first post ever. This is a great site Brad.

  2. yeah the kite thing is an obvious “what the hell?” but the fact that its even color cordinated to match his costume is “wowza!!”

  3. Kilowat Kaper
    – Forget about Electro building a kite in jail, why is he still in his costume???
    – No matter how cheesy some of these 60s episodes may be, Jameson’s is pure comedy gold
    – I love how Electro is sitting when he’s calling Jameson.
    – Electro doesn’t see the hole his own lightning bolt caused and falls right through it – idiot.

    Perils of Parafino
    – The cops call Red Dog Melvin “a killer” – wow, you hardly ever heard the word “kill” (or a variation of it) in a cartoon, let alone one from the 60s!
    – Corkscrew webbing – I must have missed that in the comics
    – Betty stuck on the wall underneath the big glob of wax looks like … uh, never mind.

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