Dan Slott interviewed on Word Balloon Podcast

gse_multipart4830The Word Balloon podcast recently did a two part interview with Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott. Slott talks issue # 600 and what’s coming up next for our favorite webslinger.Click the play buttons to hear the shows.

Pt 1

Pt 2

For slower comptuers here’s the link for part 1 and part 2.

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  1. Mac, I don’t know, something crazy like enjoying the stories and going online with superlatives, like “great”, “fun”, “didn’t see that coming”, “good job”.

    I know, I’m talking crazy.

  2. What a revealing interview by one of the Spider-Man writers. I found it ironic that Dan can criticize Superman 2 because he felt it horribly mis-represented the character, (especially the ending), but could not understand why some Spider-man fans “cannot let go” of things currently going on in BND. Then Dan goes on about what is wrong about the comics industry, (too many interviews, the preview and solicts process revealing too much) and then reinforces some of those same problems by “dropping hints”.

    If the Marvel folks would reduce the amount of interviews, blogging, twittering, etc. and concentrated on making the stories work, (like getting the time sequence in #591 right) and listening to the customers, most of us would have a lot less to gripe about…

  3. Even with Spidey holding Gwen’s corpse, and the blurb saying, point blank “The Goblin’s Last Stand”, I was still blown away by Norman’s death and the final panel which established for readers once and forever MJ was always destined to be Peter’s true love.

    You can spoil one development and keep another under your hat Danny boy.

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