Crawl Space Exclusive Deal on Amazing Spider-Man #600

l_446570086ab94a6681b7ffeccefdd970Our friends at Mail Order Comics are letting the Crawl Space regulars in on a deal for  Amazing Spider-Man #600. The book will come in four different covers.  The Romita Jr and the Alex Ross one will be the most prevalent. However, the Joe Quesada cover is only available if you order 15 copies.
If you order the book it would normally cost $12.99 from Mail Order Comics. However, if you mention the Crawl Space they will give you a discount and only charge $ 10.99.
To order any variants you have to request them from the owner Michael Robinson.  So e-mail him that you want the Quesada variant with the Crawl Space discount.
Also if you want to order the Romita Jr and Ross cover, just select 2 copies on your normal May order form.

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  1. why does Spidey have Asian EYES on that mask. FIE ON JOE Q for this poopy 13 dollar collar FIE!!!!!! lol any ways nice job on gettin this hookup brad

  2. Spider-Man should never….EEEVER…be drawn with the outlines of his ears showing, regardless of the fact that in real life they’d be protruding under the mask.

  3. … I’m sorry.. the ALEX ROSS cover is cheaper than the Quesada cover?!?!? For bootin’ up cold!!!

    And nice try, Joey Q… you’re still not getting me to buy anything connected to BND.

  4. The Ross and Romita covers will be the regular price. But in order to get the rarer Quesada variant it will be $12.99. The Quesda one is only shipped for every 25 copies you order of the regular books.

  5. Joey’s artwork’s gone down in the last couple of years, but that’s understandable. I’m also not a fan of the specifics they’ve put on ordering the variant. Far too greedy…and who’d want the man’s cover anyway? He’s largely the reason Issue 600 is going to suck

  6. That is very nice of them. But boy is Da Q’s art very fugly. I’m just going to stick with whatever cover I wind up getting.

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