New Direction for Peter Parker in Spider-Man 4?

sam-raimi-spidermanI discovered this little tid-bit on

“UK, April 22, 2009 – Sam Raimi has been talking about Spider-Man 4 to Sci-FI Wire, and said he wants to take the character of Peter Parker in a new direction.  Kirsten Dunst – who is still not signed on to reprise her role as Mary Jane. ‘I’m hoping that she is going to come aboard… I think she would like to. But I don’t want to speak on behalf of her.'”

He said: ‘I hope that we just [look] ever deeper into the truth of who Peter Parker really is – as a human being and a unique character, and that we celebrate that, which is a lot of the reason I want to make this next picture.’

Raimi continued: ‘I still believe I have an understanding of Peter Parker as the character that I have not quite put onto the screen yet.’

The director also revealed he has a meeting coming up with

What’s this new direction?  Will Kirsten return?  Does Raimi truly understand the character?  I guess we’ll all find out in 2011!  Ex animo: Spider-Girl!

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  1. Greg Wiesman, in 26 episodes, completly showed Raimi how to do a modern day Spider-Man screen incarnation justice.

    Stick to Campbell and Xena Sam my man. I’m glad people saw Spider-Man 3 for what it was…and the first two are overrated.

  2. I agree about showing his scientific nature. It has only been teased at here and there with Doc Ock and Connors. This is something that also needs to happen in the third Batman movie, albeit with his detective skills!

  3. I agree that Spidey needs more humor in the movies. He cracks more one liners in the movie based games and the actual comics. With Raimi’s style, I’d actually like to see a different visual effect for Spidey sense. Plus, I wanna see peter develop Spider-tracers as in this continuity he doesn’t show off his scientific acumen building web shooters.

  4. Hopefully the new side of Peter Parker will be his comical banter side. M I RITE?!!

  5. The only thing that I could think of concerning the direction Sam Raimi may go when he said: ‘I hope that we just [look] ever deeper into the truth of who Peter Parker really is – as a human being and a unique character, and that we celebrate that, which is a lot of the reason I want to make this next picture.’ Raimi continued: ‘I still believe I have an understanding of Peter Parker as the character that I have not quite put onto the screen yet.’ It sounds like because Peter and Mary Jane’s friendship and relationship was restored at the end of Spider-Man 3 after they had to clear up some bad issues in their lives that the next best story would be for them to get married in Spider-Man 4. I love that idea because marriage is supposed to represent love, commitment, selflessness, compassion, protection, and stability. It happens with both characters in the 1980’s Spider-Man comics. And I agree completely with that because I want to get vengeance towards Joe Quesada for losing touch with Pete’s and MJ’s ethical morals for “One More Day” and “Brand New Day”, the true devoted good Spider-Man fans, and Stan Lee’s/John Romita’s work. Kirsten Dunst should come back as Mary Jane Watson since she is known for playing MJ for the first three movies and it wouldn’t be right for someone else to replace her. Hopefully everything will go well for Spider-Man 4 and I recently read somewhere that either Morbious the vampire or The Lizard will be in the sequel. Maybe Morbious will be the main villain and then the Lizard will be born at the end. Or Morbious & The Lizard will be the main villains of the film. I really like both characters; doesn’t matter to me which one! 😀

  6. with the build up to the marriage in spider-man 3 I think it could work as a plot line in part 4.

  7. Scooter:

    That’d be awesome. With Marvel’s pattern of making their comics parallel the movies, they’d have extra pressure to bring the marriage back.

  8. Wouldn’t it be great if the marriage was the new direction he’s planning to take the character in?

  9. I wouldn’t put all the blame for Spider-Man 3 on Raimis’ shoulders. He didn’t want Venom in the movie.

    I hope the next movie has the lizard.

  10. I think he earned a chance at redemption based on the first two. I don’t think 3 is as bad as everyone makes it out to be

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