Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Coming to Xbox360 & PS3

It’s been called a classic of the last generation of consoles, but fans will now be able to play it on the PS3 and Xbox360. Marvel Vs Capcom 2 will be coming  soon to the PS Network and the Xbox arcade. The games are downloaded and stored on your hard drive for a fee. No release date has been set, but this game fetches a pretty penny from the last consoles.

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  1. just got RE5 for my ps3 what a difference from 4 much more in depth i dont mind easier games my gaming choices are varied i play the gambit of games MVC2 just happened to be one of my favorite fighting games. and i dont think im alone in this.

  2. Ok, Enigma, you dont have to get the game (thats why its DLC and their not forcing it down your throat in the store), so dont bash it if somebody else wants to get it (eg, um, a lot of people). Dont Say the game is stupid and think your right, because its ALL SUBJECTIVE. Im not a fan of SNK, but its a good game. Sure I prefer others, but I dont bash the hell out of it just because I like something more.

    The “skill” of a gamer has nothing to do with anything here. GAMES ARE FOR FUN. I’ll play, win or lose, and have fun. Dont make this personal between you too. Yeah, he may enjoy “easier” games, but so what? It has nothing to do with his capabilities. Do not insult eachother for your preferences, since (as you can see) its getting you no-where.

  3. well enig got a long road ahead of u in any case u enjoy urself

  4. He makes snarky comments, and acts suprised when someone responds… that’s counterproductive… And I’ll stop when you do… which doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen any time soon.

  5. ugh dude is still goin. the game plays very tight. snk series nvr held my attention beause it lack luster character set and rehashed gameplay. i played them in the arcades i dont know if there even is a console version floating around of those games i dont think ive ever sen them. anyways i’m still gettin this game as a dl and i will search for an snk copy at gamestop just to see if i like it any better this time around.

  6. You play MvC2… you wouldn’t know what gaming abilities are… that’s a joke, son. Insults not included.

    And you want “tite” controls… pick up Street Fighter III or the Alpha series, and get back to me afterwards…

    “Lame” lounge music, we go from a “6 button” combo system, to a “4 button” combo system, characters that practically have non-existant move lists, and somehow this one is better? I forgive the SNK fighters because they did it for as long as I can remember, and made it work. But MvC2 just reeks of CHEESE.

    Seriously, just TRY Capcom vs SNK ans CvS II… if you CAN’T play those, you have no right to talk about the “skills” of others…

  7. from one iron to another the 360 d pad isnt so warpd i have found my way around it and gotten used to it. as for the redundancy it felt appropiate because i really wanted to mock his gaming abilities. and lastly i dld my demo of the game for my ps3 me and a buddy played a few rounds and found that the controls felt extremely tite tighter than in SF4 which kinda makes me a lil mad at sf4. tighter than i remembered it made me want to go pick up the console and see if they were felt the same. the graphics got a minute overhaul but that was one of the better lookin capcom fighting games till the the alpha series. i was happy with the demo til i realized they did the same thing they did with the turbo hd remix no single player demo mode. cant wait til this game comes out so i can start pwning noobs online and i will be getting this for the ps3 in case anyone here wants to try me.


  8. PleeeeEeeeeEeeees guys, just stop rabble-rousing. ironspiderman1983, complaining about the 360’s d-pad is not “noobish” at all. “no skill having noobs” (redundancy anybody?) isnt an appropriate term to use in this situation, because the d-pad IS warped. So if somebody plays on PS3 and is very skilled….then goes on 360 and…. sucks? Whats that say?

    Now shake hands and go play in the yard.

  9. What is this, a “last word” contest? And do you think I’m the only person complaining about the 360 D-pad? And you’re the one who’s happy to have MvC2, not me. And “bite men sounded like an insult, in case you forgot.

    I can’t even get away with that sort of thing on the message board, why would I want anyone to get away with it here? And as far as my SF IV skills, lemme quote John cena, son…

    “You can’t see me!”

  10. gone for a few hours and enig is still at it now u got excuses on the xbox controller i guess no skill having noobs would say something to that regard… in any case you tellin me to “watch it” sounds very much like a threat, maybe you should hold ur tongue and just get handled on SF4 .

  11. Tell you what… in the future, don’t joke like that. I don’t know you that well…

  12. No its not an insult if your joking. Then its called a “joke” (funny how that works, huh?). “Bite me” isnt an insult anyways, its a request. Now “your mother wears army boots” is an insult..

  13. We’re gonna settle this.. but not on 360… that D-pad is attrocious. And j/k or not, an insult is an insult.. watch it.

  14. i have it for xbox 360 i heard the ps3 online matchmatching would be weaker( but i do own a ps3 as well) gamertag: militia1989 in case any of ur friends owns it for 360.

  15. Because like my daddy once said, ” I can show ya’ better than I can TELL ya’…”

  16. up yours huh? well Screw you u effin noob. then as for u questioning my gaming abilities i’d prolly eat you alive at any version of a capcom fighting game ive noticed gamers with the loudest mouths usually back it up the worst. as for you not beaing able to beat button mashers then that goes to show cant PULL OFF ur combos.

  17. This is a great game. Sure it can be played by button mashing, but you’ll just get roasted by someone who knows what they’re doing.

    Last chance to eBay this game now… not that I’d part with my copy!

  18. You’re kidding… I’M NOT. Up yours. The Capcom vs SNK series basically succeded in making it a DECENT fighting game series(by adding SKILL to the mix… therefore making it BETTER.) Before this, it was a blatant button masher. And something tells me that this game is right up your alley, and you lack any skill to speak of. And is there anyone that DOESN’T think that the online cheapness in this game will wind up being WORSE than Street Fighter IV? (I’m looking at you, Marrow.)

    When a person who KNOWS how to play has trouble holding his own against someone who just sits there tearing up the controller by banging away on it, you KNOW the game has balance issues.

  19. Enigma bite me j/k j/k the capcom vs snk series to me was a bland attempt t trying to recapture the appeal of marvel vs capcom. i did like marvel superheroes. as for button mashing it is if wht it is if u buton mash thats what is if u learn the moves then u know them and u can play to your hearts desire. I ALSO HOPE THE ONLINE MATCHMAKING IS AWESOME!

  20. I already have the PS2 version in perfect condition and theres a MVC2 machine at the movie theaters near my house, and a X-menvs Street fighter machine at my local comic book store so the only way i will buy this game is if the online and matchmaking system is better than SF4. I waste about 5 minutes looking for matches and it just says unable to play, match already full,or in the middle of the game the guy leaves when im about to win, or the host will just boot me off the match after i finally find a game. So for me to buy this there better be barely any lag and a better matchmaking system ( which doesnt show me people i can fight aganist but when i click on them it say unable to play). I guess ill see though when the demo comes out on April 30th for PSN (not sure if 360 gets a demo the same day)

  21. … I can… in fact, I wish they’d not release this one. I’d rather have the first one. or better yet, an arcade perfect port of Marvel Super Heroes. The only thing I remotely liked about this one was the inclusion of Cable. The VS series was a cheap button masher until the collaboration with SNK. Why don’t folks play that and try to use some skill for a change.

  22. YESSS!!! this was the best fighting games in of all time i spent many an hour at the arcade playing this game and even more hours playing for the ps2. i do have somewhat of an issue i bought Street Fighter 4 the day it was released and now im going to have two extremely similar games. i will most likely be buying this game for both my ps3 and my xbox 360 jus becuz lol. i cant wait to play this game again on a next gen console and the fact that they ADDED ONLINE MULTIPLAYER MIGHT GIVE THIS GAME AN EDGE OVER STREET FIGHTER 4. i cant wait i cant wait i cant wait.

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