newavn051_dc11-1Oh yay, a Doctor Strange story. Plus, something of a post-Mephisto Spidey milestone. However will I contain my excitement? Please comment.

WRITER: Brian Michael Bendis
ART: Billy Tan, Matt Banning and Justin Ponsor & Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend and Antonio Fabela
LETTERER: Albert Deschense


In the Hood’s appartment…
DORMAMMU: You must KILL Doctor Strange and take his place as Sorcerer Supreme!
HOOD: Okay.

At some diner…
WICCAN: Hey Doctor Strange, nice mustache.
DOCTOR STRANGE: Thanks. I’m traveling the world, talking to sorcerers to see if I can sense the new chosen one now that I’ve lost my title. I need to know to whom to give all my magic junk.
WICCAN: Is it me?!
DOCTOR STRANGE: Meh. Uh oh, here comes the Hood with a scary demon face.

At the Avengers hideout…
RONIN: We need a team leader. Anyone?
RONIN: Okay, I’ll do it. Spider-Man, you have to tell us who the f*** you are.
SPIDER-MAN: Okay. Hi, I’m Peter Parker.
JESSICA JONES: Hey, I had a crush on you in high school.
DOCTOR STRANGE: Hey, I thought I’d teleport in your dining room all beat up. Help me…
LUKE CAGE: Sweet Christmas…

Billy Tan and Chris Bachalo share art duties this month, with Tan handling the Avengers scenes and Bachalo on the parallel mystic storyline. Unlike some, I don’t automatically hate Bachalo’s work, he rocked on the Death miniseries with Niel Gaiman, but lately he’s developed a hyper-busy cartoon style that poorly suits superheroes and only looks good when portraying highly abstract concepts like Dormammu’s dimention or the Hood’s demonic form. Surely, this four-part arc will offer plenty of fire and brimstone, but in issue #51 Bachalo mostly renders a mundane diner conversation where his pictures become unexpressive napkin doodles. Bendis collaborators like Mark Bagley and Mike Deodato know how to make the writer’s potentially boring expository dialogues visually dynamic, weaving meaning into the imagery through expression, scenery, shadow and layout. If Bachalo has the same chops, I don’t see them here.

It might help if I cared about the topic at hand, but my disinterest in Doctor Strange’s successor will heavily bias this review. I sort of see the appeal in Marvel’s mystic side, and I enjoy the magical battles taking place in Dark Avengers, but I don’t feel the stakes here. The only outcomes I see are either a villain becomes momentarily powerful and quickly contained or a second-teir hero takes Doctor Strange’s place and nothing important changes, except for Stephen Strange fans. It could be cool when it happens, but watching people talk about it isn’t.

And if Strange lost his powers for abusing them, how long could someone like the Hood or Von Doom keep them, anyway?

Another item on the list of things I should care about but don’t: Spider-Man’s unmasking. It makes enough sense; fugitives heroes with a baby can’t have some mystery freak crawling on their hideout’s walls, and Peter would realistically trust most of these people by now, but this reader remains numb to twists involving Spider-Man’s identity since Civil War and the subsequent copout. I already know the result of more people learning Peter Parker’s secret, and I know Marvel won’t let those consequences take their logical course. It carries no suspense. The only likely ramifications strictly involve relationships within this group of Avengers, none of which stand to suffer much effect. Bendis won’t push the potential love triangle between Pete, Jessica and Luke any further, both because ASM’s Brain Trust have their own romances brewing and because Marvel would never let Spider-Man broach a sordid relationship with a married mother. I do, however, like that Ronin wants to exploit Peter’s “in” with Norman Osborn, with Peter uncomfortable and reluctant, but we’ll probably have to resolve Doctor Strange’s problems before exploring that avenue.

“Sweet Christmas…”

1.5 webheads out of 5. Harsh, I know, but when I have to rate 22 pages of boring conversations drawn by boring artists on the same scale as comics that have literally changed my life, mercy tends to fail me.


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  1. Yeah, this issue was very iffy. The new Sorcerer Supreme is sort of interesting. But Bachalo is just ruining it with his cartoon images and his white backgrounds.

    Coll review though! 😀

  2. Also Chris I share your general disdain of the magic side of marvel, hence I don’t really have much else to say about this one.

  3. All I can say about this issue is when Peter unmasked my first though was “How long before this is gonna be reconned”

    Well done marvel, when anything significant happens my first thought is how long before it’s back to normal.

  4. I know the Quesada regime has a tendency to let it’s writers say whatever they want in their comics (hence why we still have brilliant character studies for Peter and MJ in SPITE of ASM’s tackyness and disrespect), but Bendis pulling out a genie is a stir I thought the trust would reserve for ASM…the story wasnt that dramatic either, so they’ve definatly missed a trick

  5. Well that’s just great, Pete… make a deal with Mephisto, barter your marriage away, and what do you do… START TELLING PEOPLE WHO YOU ARE.

    F***ing moron.

    And to be honest, Chris, I’d give up Bachallo AND Tan to have Lenil Francis Yu back. I don’t like EITHER of them.

  6. lol, ok cool. i just hunger for a good comic is all. they are raping him!!, lol *cry*

  7. Dude, I think you know what kind of discussion we’re looking for here. As a rule of thumb, if you’re using the word “shit,” then you’re on the wrong track.

    By the way, I combined your first couple of posts into one.

  8. Come on, man. You’ve already been warned about insulting creators. You can say what you want about his writing but statements like “Bendis is shit” cross the line. Keep it about the story.

  9. Tan’s pages were okay, and Bachalo’s style just doesn’t fit for an all-dialogue issue. Bachalo’s inclusion might make more sense later when we get to see more magical battles. His first pages with Dormammu were pretty cool.

  10. wow, i love doctor strange and the defenders.

    bendis……geesus. he really needs to step back from the creation proccess and stick to the overlying plot.

    if there is stuff to say, it can be said without needing 20 pages of face time to go with it. fill up the damn space with talk bubbles.

    anywhoo… the cover looks cool. did you really hate the artwork? or was there nothing to base the art around ne way?

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