WOWZA! As promised, behold the future of Spidey-baby! Like Soap Operas, a character can come back two days later and be two-ten years older! How would you caption this pic?
Ex animo: Spider-Girl!
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Spider-Captions # 295
by Brad Douglas
What in the world is going on in this picture?
Spider-Captions # 79
by Brad Douglas
This was recently on I think we have another spotting of the 12 inch Scarlet Spider. Feel free to add a funny caption in the comment section.
by Brad Douglas
This cute Spider-kid has a caption just waiting to be written. What would he say? Add your funny caption in the comment section.
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I WILL get the cookies……
Awww crap, not MORE advertisements for Marvel Apes!
“Silvermane you fiend! I told you that tablet was nothing good!”
Lil Benjy not only had his skills with organic Webshooters perfected, but his wall-crawling ability skyrocketed to greatnesss.
“When the doors swung open, Spider-Baby tragically did not ungrip soon enough.