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Hilarious skit from Saturday Night Live from March 17, 1979

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  1. Okay Gamer 7 I let it pass when you idiotically said that Nazis were ‘ well intentioned’ (see article about the parents who named their child Hitler), but I think that you’re just being deliberately offensive now. I say -I think- that you’re being offensive, because I can’t really be sure. Your comment makes so little sense that it’s difficult to tell. Grow up you small minded moron and stop hating people who do you no harm.

  2. “I know we’re doing this for fun but if you get ‘wood’ I’m gonna break your face.”

  3. Former president George W. Bush and former vice president Dick Cheney celebrate 8 years of screwing the American middle class by screwing each other.

  4. When it was announced that Joel Schumacher would be adapting the Clone Saga for Spider-Man 4, this was exactly what I was afraid would happen.

  5. Though Spider-Man has screwed himself many times in the past, this is the first time he did it literally.

  6. Well, they need love too, you know.

    Some guys like to get together with a lady, some ladies like to get together, and then you have a guy dress up as Spider-Man and play with his Peter…

    ZING!!!!!! See what I did there?

  7. dude, i know this looks funny but these ppl really get thier kicks from dressing up in tight latex and simulating sex or just suggestivley wriggling around. its a fetish and its gay. spider-man deserves better than that. youtube it, i promise u will be disgusted.

  8. … and Spidey’s been caught playing with himself again….

    … Brad, you’re a sick, sick man…

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