Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 3 DVD Cover

specspiderman_v3_earlyTVshowsonDVD.com has released the cover of the new Spectacular SPider-Man vol 3 DVD.  The disc will include the episodes “Catalyst,” “Reaction” and “The Uncertainty Principle”. They will be edited all together to make one movie. New footage will segway the episodes together. The suggested price is $19.94 and like the previous volumes, extras will be non-existant. Both Vol. 2 & 3 are expected to be released on March 17th. To see our report on vol 2, click here.

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1 Comment

  1. I hate covers like this. What the hell is the Goblin tossing on Spidey? And the backgrounds look crappy. This is on the level of a cover of a coloring book.

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