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  1. I’ve had conversations with five year olds that were more intelligent and enlightening than what came out of the mouths of that panel.

    CNN sucks at funny.

  2. I read a brief transcript of cnn’s story. Why do you have to be a nerd to read Spider-Man? “Nerd-in-chief”???? That’s not gonna help you sell more Amazing, Joe. “Hey, maybe I’ll pick up a comic, so I can be a nerd, too!!!” Nice. I’m not even gonna touch Quesada touting Spidey’s former mantra, other than to say, Quesada is the guy who ruined it for me by making Spidey abandon it. Here’s hoping the Prez sticks to it better than peter.

  3. Racist? Black Spider evil? Robbie Robertson anyone?

    Awful awful awful, they clearly don’t know what they’re talking about or they’re morons.

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