Heath Ledger passed on Spider-Man?

heathIn a recent Entertainment Weekly article, Heath Ledger’s former agent talked about roles Ledger turned down. Steve Alexendar says, “Sony asked me to come over and read the script for Spiderman. It was going to be a really cool tentpole movie. But as soon as I said Spider-Man, Heath said, ‘It’s not for me. I would be taking someone else’s dream away.’ He never second-guessed his decisions or said ‘what if’ — which was amazing, because I certainly did!”

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  1. Also, notice how if you cover up the word “spider-man” in the title of this post, you get something with a completely different meaning that is still true.

  2. Not to call the guy a liar, but Tobey said on the first DVD that he had signed on for the part before he ever saw the script, because it wasn’t writtten yet. So I really have to question the legitmacy of this news.

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