Brand New Day or Untold Tale?

Sunday’s strip of the Amazing Spider-Man newspaper strip has cast some doubt on Peter’s single status. Could this be an untold tale of Spider-Man? Check out the first panel’s caption. Also, if you’re wondering if the artwork looks familiar it’s because it’s done by Alex Saviuk. He had a long run on the Web of Spider-Man book, and has been penciling the Sunday newspaper strip since the 1990s.


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Amazing Spider-Man Newspaper Strip Now Daily @ the Crawl Space

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  1. I’d classify it as more of an “Untold Tales of Spider-Man” than a straight-up flashback, myself, in that although the stories take place before Peter and MJ get married, they’re stories Stan Lee “hasn’t told yet.” Even so, that was a sneaky move on the part of ‘ol Stan.

  2. man i love the artwork on spider-man in this strip its more of the truly classic style

  3. I think it’s nice that it’s only a flashback. Doesn’t mess with anything. Got to catch up on the last few weeks I missed of the strip though.

    And I third the notion.

  4. Flashback! I LOVE it! Marriage intact!

    BD, I second the nom for running this strip every day on the site! Makes the crawlspace more of an “ultimate” spidey stop!

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