Welcome new AMZ Reviewer Michael Bailey

spidermansupermanI want to give a big Crawl Space welcome to Michael Bailey our new Amazing Spider-Man reviewer. Michael has been a friend of the site for a few years, and I’m very excited to annouce he’ll be reviewing the book.
Bailey is also a fine postcaster with his “Views from the Longbox” program and has been a regular reviewer for the supermanhomepage.com.
He also maintains the www.fortressofbaileytude.com website. He’s a great writer and even better friend.

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  1. Cool. Michael I hope you have enough time with all that you do. Good Luck and can’t wait for the new beginning.

  2. I wanted to thank everyone for all the well wishes that people have left here. I hope I can provide some insight and entertainment to y’all.

  3. Haha oh funnykay you mean I was cheering for you to be the new reviewer for nothing. Oy!

    Congrats to Bailey. I listened to his podcast when he interviewed some bloke called Kevin Cushing. It was a great listen. Can’t wait to read his first review…:)

  4. Great move Brad. I just listened to the Green Lantern show Michael did with Kevin. Well done gentlemen.

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