Nazi Named Kids Are Spider-Fans?

hitlerresizeraspxA New Jersey ShopeRite grocery store is refusing to make a birthday cake for three year old Adolph Hitler Capbell (left). The store offered to leave the cake blank, but the parents refused.
Campell’s other sister is named Joyce Lynn Aryan Nation Campbell, who is a Spider-Man fan (right).
The couple allegedly have swastikas in every room and deny the Holocaust ever happened.
The local Wal Mart has offered to make them a cake and a spokesman says, “Our No. 1 priority in decorating cakes is to serve the customer to the best of our ability.”
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  1. Любопытно написано, но как говорится, для более точного представления нужно минимум три источника 🙂

  2. Wow. I feel sorry for these children for the horrible things these so called parents are going to teach them.

  3. You can be nationalistic without having to support that well intentioned but inhumane regeme….idiots.

  4. I feel very bad for the kids. The situation is ugly now and I do not believe there will be a good end to it.

    If Mr. Heath Campbell really had the courage of his convictions, he would not be hiding behind his children; he would have changed his own name.

  5. Make the cake, and let the assholes write the names on it themselves!!!!

    They’ll be picked on for the rest of their lives, and the two idiots will have NO IDEA why that is…

  6. the kids I feels sorry for. I’ll tell you right now though, the parents weren’t subtle at all, were they?

  7. Yeah I feel bad for the kids
    Just because their parents believe in that stuff doesn’t men they should give their kids those names

  8. Seriously, racism and stupidity are a horrible combination. I so hope these kids change their names when they get older.

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